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发布时间:2018-03-24 15:08

  本文选题:高压电气设备 切入点:红外热像 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着时代的发展,电力行业获得了长足进步,电力系统中需要对各种高压油浸式电气设备进行在线监测和安全预警,发现故障并采取办法消除隐患。红外热像技术作为一种有效的故障诊断方法已获得了广泛应用。通过理论分析计算得出高压油浸电气设备表面热参数与发热源热参数的关系,,解决红外热像技术不能获取物体内部热参数问题对提高高压油浸式电气设备故障监测水平,对电网能安全运行具有重要意义。 本文基于红外热像设备只能检测到物体表面发出的红外电磁波,而发热源产生的热损耗是导致高压电气设备热故障的主要原因,提出了热路模拟电路的思路,将高压电气设备中复杂的热关系等效为热路模型,重点分析高压电气设备外表面热参数和发热源热参数的相关关系,比较红外热像设备观测到的红外图像和理论分析得到的高压电气设备外表面的热参数,来对高压电气设备热故障尤其是充油高压电气设备的油位进行诊断。 针对红外热像设备只能检测到物体表面发出的红外电磁波,提出了非电类模拟电系统的方法通过电流场数学模型与热流场数学模型的比拟分析以及用热路模拟电路并应用到了高压电气设备内部热过程中。通过对高压电气设备热过程进行模拟实验,验证了热路模拟电路的可行性,得出高压油浸电气设备表面温度参数与发热源温度参数是具有一定的比例关系,从而能对高压电气设备热故障尤其是充油高压电气设备的油位进行诊断。
[Abstract]:With the development of the times, the electric power industry has made great progress. It is necessary to carry out on-line monitoring and safety warning of various high-voltage oil-immersed electrical equipment in the power system. The infrared thermal imaging technology has been widely used as an effective fault diagnosis method. Through theoretical analysis and calculation, the relationship between surface heat parameters and heat source parameters of high pressure oil-immersed electrical equipment is obtained. Solving the problem that infrared thermal imaging technology can not obtain the internal thermal parameters of objects is of great significance to improve the level of fault monitoring of high voltage oil-immersed electrical equipment and to the safe operation of power grid. Based on the fact that infrared electromagnetic waves from the surface of the object can only be detected by infrared thermal imaging equipment and that the heat loss caused by the heat source is the main cause of the thermal failure of high voltage electrical equipment, this paper puts forward the idea of the thermal circuit simulation circuit. The complex thermal relationship in high voltage electrical equipment is equivalent to the thermal circuit model, and the correlation between the heat parameters of the outer surface and the heat source of the high voltage electrical equipment is analyzed. By comparing the infrared images observed by infrared thermal imaging equipment and the thermal parameters of the outer surface of high-voltage electrical equipment obtained by theoretical analysis, the thermal fault of high-voltage electrical equipment, especially the oil level of oil-filled high-voltage electrical equipment, is diagnosed. Infrared thermal imaging equipment can only detect infrared electromagnetic waves emitted on the surface of objects. The method of non-electric analog electric system is put forward by comparing the mathematical model of the current field with the mathematical model of the heat flow field and using the thermal circuit to simulate the internal thermal process of the high-voltage electrical equipment. The thermal process of the equipment is simulated, The feasibility of the hot circuit simulation circuit is verified. It is concluded that the surface temperature parameters of high pressure oil-immersed electrical equipment are proportional to the heat source temperature parameters. Thus, the thermal fault of high voltage electrical equipment, especially the oil level of oil-filled high-voltage electrical equipment, can be diagnosed.


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