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发布时间:2018-03-27 15:07

  本文选题:永磁电机 切入点:精确子域模型 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:电机是一种依据电磁感应原理实现能量转换的电磁装置,对于这一物理对象主要有两种分析观点:路的角度和场的角度。以路的观点看待电机,是把磁场问题转化为磁路问题,将磁势、磁阻和磁通类比于电路中的电势、电阻和电流,形成了以电路原理为基础的电机学理论;以场的观点看待电机,则重点关注以麦克斯韦方程组为基础的场量,如磁感应强度、磁场强度、电流密度、电场强度等等,形成了以电磁场原理为基础的电机电磁场理论。本文的工作主要围绕电机电磁场的解析计算展开,包括二维恒定磁场和二维磁准静态场两类问题。 对于二维恒定磁场,在详细综述表贴式永磁电机二维磁场解析法的基础上,详细建立了开口槽结构的表贴式游标永磁电机、半开口槽结构的表贴式双三相永磁同步电机、定子上开有辅助槽结构的表贴式游标永磁电机以及开口槽结构的表面埋入式永磁电机等四类电机的精确子域模型,重点推导了不同类型子域下通解的产生过程,讨论了子域分析技术中的谐波系数缩放问题,研究了利用周期边界条件在提高求解效率方面的应用,并以相应样机为例,对气隙磁密和相关电磁性能进行了解析预测,并用二维有限元法作为验证工具,得到了满意的结果,为电机性能的优化设计提供一种行之有效的途径。 对于二维磁准静态场,主要研究表贴式永磁同步电机运算电感这一特定问题。详细综述了永磁电机转子涡流损耗的解析计算模型和有限元计算方法,比较了电阻限制性涡流和电感限制性涡流的区别,并将电感限制性涡流解析模型拓展到表贴式永磁同步电机运算电感的解析求解。分别以静测法和稳态异步运行测试法为出发点,相应地使用复数功率平衡思想和磁链法思想得出“永磁体为连续环形区域”这一假设条件下的运算电感解析表达式,进行了有限元验证以及瞬态参数求解。 最后,在本文工作的基础上,展望了课题的未来研究方向。
[Abstract]:The motor is an electromagnetic device which can realize the energy conversion according to the principle of electromagnetic induction. There are two kinds of analytical viewpoints for this physical object: the angle of the road and the angle of the field. To treat the motor from the point of view of the road is to transform the problem of the magnetic field into the problem of the magnetic circuit. By analogy of magnetic potential, magnetoresistance and flux to electric potential, resistance and current in a circuit, a theory of motor science based on circuit principle is formed, and the field quantity based on Maxwell's equations is focused on from the viewpoint of field. Such as magnetic induction intensity, magnetic field intensity, current density, electric field intensity and so on, the theory of electromagnetic field of motor is formed based on the principle of electromagnetic field. There are two kinds of problems including two dimensional constant magnetic field and two dimensional quasi static magnetic field. For the two-dimensional constant magnetic field, on the basis of a detailed review of the two-dimensional magnetic field analysis method of the surface permanent magnet motor, the open slot structure of the surface paste permanent magnet motor and the semi-open slot structure of the surface paste double three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor are established in detail. The accurate subdomain models of four kinds of permanent magnet motors, such as surface embedded permanent magnet motor with auxiliary slot structure on stator and surface embedded permanent magnet motor with open slot structure, are derived, and the generation process of general solution in different subdomains is deduced. The problem of harmonic coefficient scaling in subdomain analysis technology is discussed. The application of periodic boundary condition in improving the efficiency of solution is studied. The air gap magnetic density and related electromagnetic properties are analytically predicted by taking the corresponding prototype as an example. Using the two-dimensional finite element method as the verification tool, the satisfactory results are obtained, which provides an effective way for the optimal design of the performance of the motor. For the two-dimensional quasi static magnetic field, this paper mainly studies the special problem of the operational inductance of the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). The analytical calculation model and the finite element method of the rotor eddy current loss of the PMSM are summarized in detail. The differences between resistive and inductive eddies are compared. The analytical model of inductance restrictive eddy current is extended to the analytical solution of the operational inductance of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). The static test method and the steady-state asynchronous operation test method are taken as the starting point respectively. Based on the idea of complex power balance and the idea of flux chain method, the analytical expression of operating inductance under the assumption that the permanent magnet is a continuous annular region is obtained. The finite element method is used to verify the expression and the transient parameters are solved. Finally, based on the work of this paper, the future research direction of the subject is prospected.


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