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发布时间:2018-03-27 20:38

  本文选题:谐波分析 切入点:快速傅里叶变换 出处:《中国科学院大学(工程管理与信息技术学院)》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:国际上公认谐波“污染”是电网的公害,必须采取措施加以限制。要治理谐波,首要问题是检测谐波。可以使用谐波分析仪,也可以使用电能质量分析仪。目前,国内市场上的检测仪器大多是国外品牌。如美国福禄克FLUKE、日本日置HIOKI等,国外产品性能优良、功能完备,但价格昂贵。国内产品价格适中,但检测精度普遍不高。当前,采用数字信号处理器平台开发这类产品是主流技术,利用快速傅里叶变换FFT (Fast Fourier Transform)的测量方法是使用最广泛的方法之一。本课题论述了一种电力谐波分析仪的设计与实现。总体设计依据标准GB/T17626.7-2008《电磁兼容试验和测量技术供电系统及所连设备谐波、谐间波的测量和测量仪器导则》,在深入分析影响谐波测量精度因素的基础上,提出硬件、软件方案。硬件拟采用德州仪器公司TI (Texas Instruments)数字信号处理器TMS320F28335作为硬件平台主芯片,资源包括:三相电压\电流信号采集、模数转换器AD7606、LCD屏、按键、串口通讯等。软件方面:主要使用C语言编程,并结合汇编语言。使用集成开发环境Code Composer Studio v4 (CCS V4.0)进行软件编程、调试。谐波测量方法采用浮点式、改进型FFT算法(快速谐波分析时间≤5mS),采样频率12.8kSPS(256点/周波)。结论:谐波测量精度达到A级;实现了谐波实时高精度监测、统计电网各次谐波含量、特征谐波越限告警等功能;同时实现电力系统电压、电流、频率、有功功率、无功功率、功率因数等电力参数的高精度测量。本课题成果是一款便携式电力谐波分析仪。分析仪实现了低成本、高精度。可应用于实际现场,有很好的市场应用前景。当前基于TMSF2812(定点DSP)的设计方案较多,而采用TI最新型号TMS320F28335的方案不多,可以为以后设计提供参考。另外,对于开发有源电力滤波器APF谐波测量部分也有借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:The internationally recognized harmonic "pollution" is the power grid pollution, measures must be taken to limit. The first problem is to control harmonic, harmonic detection. Using harmonic analyzer, can also use the power quality analyzer. At present, the domestic market instruments are mostly foreign brands. Such as the United States fluke FLUKE, Japan HIOKI so, the foreign products of excellent performance, complete functions, but the price is expensive. The domestic price is moderate, but the detection accuracy is not high. At present, the digital signal processor platform for the development of this kind of product is the mainstream technology, using fast Fourier transform FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) method of measurement is one of the most widely used methods. Paper discusses the design and implementation of a power harmonic analyzer. The power supply system of test and measurement technology and equipment overall design according to the standard GB/T17626.7-2008< harmonic electromagnetic compatibility Wave, interharmonics measurements and instrumentation for >, based on analyzing the factors affecting the accuracy of the harmonic measurement, put forward the hardware, software and hardware fitting scheme. Using TI TI (Texas Instruments) digital signal processor TMS320F28335 as the hardware platform of the main chip resources include: three-phase voltage, current signal acquisition, analog to digital converter AD7606, LCD screen, keys, serial communication and so on. The software mainly use the C programming language, combined with the use of assembly language. The integrated development environment Code Composer Studio V4 (CCS V4.0) software programming, debugging methods of measuring harmonics using floating, improved FFT algorithm (time less than 5mS, the harmonic analysis of fast sampling) the frequency of 12.8kSPS (256 / Zhou Bo). Conclusion: the harmonic measurement accuracy of a level; realize the real-time high precision harmonic monitoring statistics, grid harmonics, harmonic limit alarm The function and Realization of power system; voltage, current, frequency, active power, reactive power, power factor and high precision measurement of power parameters. The results of this project is a portable power harmonic analyzer. The analyzer can achieve low cost, high precision, and can be applied to the practical field, have a good market prospect based on the current TMSF2812. (point DSP) more design and use of the latest TI version of the TMS320F28335 program is not much, can provide a reference for future design. In addition, for the development of active power filter APF harmonic measuring part also has reference significance.



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1 孙继蕃;基于嵌入式系统的电力系统谐波分析装置的设计[D];河海大学;2007年




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