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发布时间:2018-03-28 07:35

  本文选题:. 切入点:k 出处:《高电压技术》2015年08期

【摘要】:寻找1种可杜绝或减少SF6气体使用的环保型气体绝缘开关设备(GIS)成为国内外同行关注的热点。为此,理论分析了几种SF6替代气体作为气体绝缘开关柜(C-GIS)绝缘介质的可行性,基于仿真软件进行了40.5 k V C-GIS气室3维建模和电场仿真,针对仿真结果中电场强度较为集中的部位进行了结构优化。利用COMSOL计算了额定工作条件下气室内的导体温升情况,对比了充入替代混合气体时与纯SF6气体时气室的气流场与温度场分布,验证了开关柜气室散热效果。仿真结果表明,优化后气室内最大电场强度由8.24 MV/m降至5.00 MV/m以下,充入气压为0.15 MPa的SF6(体积分数为30%)和N2(体积分数为70%)混合气体的气室内部最高温度为67℃,略高于充入纯SF6气体的气室。基于仿真结果搭建了简易气室工装并对它进行了耐压和温升测试,气室施加215/185 k V雷电冲击电压时无闪络击穿,1.1倍额定电流下气室温升符合国家标准规定,证明上述混合气体作为开关柜绝缘介质可满足电场强度和散热特性的要求。
[Abstract]:To find a kind of environment-friendly gas insulated switchgear which can eliminate or reduce the use of SF6 gas has become a hot spot of domestic and foreign peers. Therefore, the feasibility of several kinds of SF6 alternative gases as insulating dielectric for gas insulated switchgear is analyzed theoretically. Based on the simulation software, the three-dimensional modeling and electric field simulation of 40.5 kV C-GIS gas chamber are carried out. The structure of the gas chamber with concentrated electric field intensity in the simulation results is optimized. The conductor temperature rise in the gas chamber under rated working conditions is calculated by COMSOL. The air flow field and temperature field distribution of the gas chamber when the mixture is filled with the substitute gas is compared with that of the pure SF6 gas, and the heat dissipation effect of the switchgear chamber is verified. The simulation results show that the maximum electric field intensity of the gas chamber decreases from 8.24 MV/m to less than 5.00 MV/m after the optimization. The maximum internal temperature of the chamber for SF6 (30 V) and N2 (70 kW) mixed gases charged with a gas pressure of 0. 15 MPa is 67 鈩,




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