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发布时间:2018-03-28 18:08

  本文选题:时间序列预测 切入点:神经网络 出处:《兰州大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of wind power generation in the world, the proportion of wind power in power grid is increasing. However, accurate wind speed prediction is still a challenge for large-scale wind power generation. It is very important to realize the optimal operation and dispatch of power system. The autoregressive summation moving average time series model (ARIMA model) can obtain the stationary time series by the difference of the original sequence and the corresponding modeling method of the nonlinear time series. The generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model (GARCH) is based on the ARIMA model, which considers the conditional heteroscedasticity of the prediction residual and increases the conditional variance equation, while the rolling grey model is based on the grey model. At the same time that new data are being introduced, old data that has less impact on the present moment will be eliminated. The three methods are widely used in wind speed prediction. Artificial intelligence neural network method has good nonlinear fitting ability and generalization ability. The BP neural network and the wavelet neural network. BP neural network is a kind of feedforward neural network, which can adjust the network structure parameters continuously according to the error. The wavelet neural network is based on BP neural network and combines the advantages of wavelet analysis. Compared with three traditional time series models, including ARIMA model and RGM model, as well as a single BP neural network and wavelet neural network, this paper is based on neural network. Aiming at the randomness of the structure initialization, the integrated BP neural network and the integrated wavelet model wind speed prediction model are presented, combined with the idea of integrated prediction. The defects caused by uncertain weights can be avoided. Under three kinds of integration operators, the mean integration operator, the median integration operator and the mode integration operator, The predictive output of the integrated network is better than that of the single neural network, and in order to further improve the accuracy of the prediction, In this paper, the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and the cuckoo search algorithm (CSC) are used to optimize the window width parameters in the kernel density estimation of the output of the modular operator network. In this paper, the hybrid forecasting model based on neural network ensemble operator is superior to the other five traditional single forecasting models in forecasting wind speed in the middle of Inner Mongolia.


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