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发布时间:2018-03-28 20:14

  本文选题:斯特林发动机 切入点:双作用 出处:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:化石燃料日益短缺,石油价格逐渐上涨,使用传统燃料的热机面临着空前的能源危机。研究可以使用多种热源的斯特林发动机,在解决能源紧张和环境污染等问题时具有特别重要的意义。近年来,以斯特林发动机为核心装置的热电联产系统在欧美发展迅速,但在国内,对斯特林发动机的研究还处于起步阶段,对基于斯特林发动机热电联产系统的研发更加匮乏。因此,非常有必要对斯特林发动机的运行进行仿真模拟,设计研发以天然气等为燃料的斯特林发动机热电联产系统。 本课题研究了斯特林发动机的四种循环分析方法,通过对比得出结论:实用等温分析法能简单而又准确地分析斯特林发动机的各种工况,是目前初步估算斯特林发动机功率和效率最合适的方法。 在实用等温分析法的基础上,考虑工质在循环中的流阻损失以及各种热损失,建立了一个能够分析和计算四缸双作用斯特林发动机工作循环的模型,利用该模型,获得了四个气缸以及不同循环部分的各种运行参数。 编写了一个能够模拟四缸双作用斯特林发动机工作循环的程序,同时,应用该程序对上海齐耀动力技术有限公司研发的四缸双作用斯特林发动机进行了仿真模拟,并考察了热区冷区温度比、循环压力和死容积等参数对工作循环的影响。研究表明:在输入热量为161.939kW时,发动机有效功率为51.379kW、输出电功率为47.781kW、加热器的热容量为140.887kW、冷却器的热容量为83.257kW、发动机有效效率为0.317、发电效率为0.295。 对上海齐耀动力技术有限公司研发的四缸双作用斯特林发动机组进行了实验测试,,并应用仿真程序模拟出了对应的值,结果显示仿真模拟值和实验测试值比较接近。在此基础上,充分发挥能量“梯级利用”的理念,设计了一个基于斯特林发动机的热电联产系统。
[Abstract]:Fossil fuels are running short, oil prices are rising, and heat engines using traditional fuels are facing an unprecedented energy crisis. In recent years, the cogeneration system with Stirling engine as the core device has developed rapidly in Europe and America, but in domestic, The research of Stirling engine is still in its infancy, and the research and development of cogeneration system based on Stirling engine is more scarce. Therefore, it is very necessary to simulate the operation of Stirling engine. Design and development of Stirling engine cogeneration system based on natural gas and other fuels. In this paper, four cycle analysis methods of Stirling engine are studied, and the conclusion is drawn: the practical isothermal analysis method can analyze the various working conditions of Stirling engine simply and accurately. It is the most suitable method to estimate the power and efficiency of Stirling engine. Based on the practical isothermal analysis method and considering the flow resistance loss and various heat losses of the working fluid in the cycle, a model which can analyze and calculate the working cycle of a four-cylinder two-acting Stirling engine is established, and the model is used to analyze and calculate the working cycle of the four-cylinder two-acting Stirling engine. The operation parameters of four cylinders and different circulation parts are obtained. A program is developed to simulate the working cycle of a four-cylinder two-acting Stirling engine. At the same time, the four-cylinder double-acting Stirling engine developed by Shanghai Qiyao Power Technology Co., Ltd is simulated by the program. The effects of temperature ratio in the cold zone, cycle pressure and dead volume on the working cycle are investigated. The results show that when the input heat is 161.939kW, The effective power of engine is 51.379kW, the output power is 47.781kW, the heat capacity of heater is 140.887kW, the heat capacity of cooler is 83.257kW, the effective efficiency of engine is 0.317and the generating efficiency is 0.295. The four-cylinder two-acting Stirling engine set developed by Shanghai Qiyao Power Technology Co., Ltd was tested experimentally and the corresponding value was simulated by simulation program. The results show that the simulated value is close to the experimental value. On this basis, a cogeneration system based on Stirling engine is designed to give full play to the idea of "cascade utilization" of energy.


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