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发布时间:2018-03-28 22:24

  本文选题:油纸绝缘 切入点:甲酸 出处:《高电压技术》2014年05期

【摘要】:为研究有机酸对油纸绝缘热老化及频域介电谱(FDS)的影响,在绝缘油中分别添加甲酸和硬脂酸至油中酸值均达到0.3×10-3(即中和1 g该绝缘油需0.3 mg KOH),再将初始水分质量分数σmc分别为0.2%和3.0%的绝缘纸置于不同的绝缘油试品中,测试不同温度下有机酸在油和纸之间的分布特性(采用酸的扩散特性和溶解特性来表征)。当有机酸达到稳态后,分别在20℃和70℃下对不同试品进行FDS测试,分析试品复介电常数实部ε'和虚部ε''的变化规律;再分别在70℃和100℃下对试品进行加速热老化试验,分析老化过程中的绝缘纸聚合度的变化趋势和老化机理。结果表明,甲酸易溶于绝缘纸,硬脂酸易溶于绝缘油。温度和σmc对酸在油纸绝缘中溶解特性的影响很小,但温度的升高会加速酸的扩散。甲酸对绝缘纸的老化具有显著影响,而硬脂酸基本无影响。低温时,甲酸对ε'和ε''均具有显著影响,而硬脂酸只对干燥绝缘纸的ε''具有显著影响;高温时,甲酸和硬脂酸分别对ε''和ε'的影响较大。因此利用FDS法评估油纸绝缘中的σmc时,需充分考虑有机酸的影响。
[Abstract]:In order to study the effect of organic acids on thermal aging and frequency domain dielectric spectrum (FDS) of oil-paper insulation, Adding formic acid and stearic acid to the insulating oil respectively reached 0.3 脳 10 ~ (-3) acid value (that is, neutralizing 1 g of the insulating oil required 0.3 mg KOHN), and then placing the insulator paper whose initial moisture content 蟽 _ (m _ c) was 0.2% and 3.0% respectively in different insulating oil samples. The distribution of organic acids between oil and paper was measured at different temperatures (the diffusion and dissolution characteristics of acids were used to characterize the organic acids. When the organic acids reached steady state, FDS tests were carried out at 20 鈩,




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