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发布时间:2018-03-29 09:07

  本文选题:电源管理芯片 切入点:ATE 出处:《西安电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of mobile communication technology, power management technology has gradually become an important factor limiting the terminal performance. Therefore, the reasonable coordination of power management and distribution of mobile devices has gradually become the focus of research. In the power management chip, DC-DC converters have the advantages of high conversion efficiency and the ability to boost / depressurize voltage. Has become the most important part of the power management chip. In the modern mobile phone system power solution, due to the IMVP( Intel Mobile Voltage configuration) scheme widely used, The DC-DC module, which can dynamically distribute the voltage according to the working frequency of the mobile phone processor, has gradually become the main component of the power management chip. However, the output characteristics of DC-DC vary greatly with the drift of the process parameters in the production process. In order to save the cost of chip production, it is necessary to calibrate the DC-DC so that as many DC-DC as possible can meet the design requirements. The working mechanism of DC-DC voltage converter is analyzed. The whole function of PMIC chip is studied, and its working modules are divided. The voltage output part of the chip is mainly composed of DC-DC module and LDO module. The DC-DC module consists of three parts: PWM/PFM controller switch driver and feedback. Based on this, the voltage calibration model of DC-DC module is established. According to the requirement of DC-DC mass production test, a load board is designed to meet the requirements of four DC-DC modules for parallel testing. The pin of the test board chip, the level of the test file based on timing and voltage characteristics and the configuration of the analog sampling module based on the characteristics of the analog signal to be tested are configured, and the test flow is established and optimized. The test vector is developed by using the D2S framework protocol, and the test data processing program is written. On this basis, the PMIC chip is tested and verified. The results show that, The results show that this scheme can not only realize the mass production test of the DC-DC module of the power management chip, but also calibrate the parameters of the substandard chip. An effective technical approach is provided.


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