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发布时间:2018-03-29 19:06

  本文选题:大规模梯级电站群 切入点:协同发电调度 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:流域大规模水电站群联合发电优化调度具有时间和空间的多维性、库群入流复杂性、服务和调度主体非单一性等特点,受水文气象、运行控制、用水需求、电网负荷等因素制约,水力、电力耦合关系十分紧密,是一类高维数、多约束、多目标的复杂优化问题。随着我国水电能源的持续开发,流域大规模水电站群已逐步形成,并在防洪抗旱、“三生”供水、节能减排等方面发挥着不可替代的作用。然而,随着流域梯级电站群规模逐渐增大、综合利用要求日趋复杂,流域电站单库和梯级、流域和系统整体之间相互制约和冲突关系逐渐加剧,传统优化理论和方法已难以适应大规模跨区域调水和全国互联大电网背景下水电能源的高速发展,亟待开展适用于新形势下梯级电站群的整体优化和水资源综合利用的理论和方法研究,以满足流域大规模梯级电站群协同发电优化调度的工程需求。本文以梯级水电站群综合经济效益发挥和水能高效利用为目标,结合水电能源学、群集优化理论、多目标优化方法和复杂系统科学,对流域大规模水电站群协同发电优化调度面临的理论瓶颈和技术难题展开了研究,取得了一些可供流域调度机构参考和借鉴的研究成果,相关应用成果已集成到“金沙江水调管控一体化平台”,并通过检验、测试和现场部署,在金沙江梯级调控中心获得了工程应用。本文的主要研究内容和创新成果包括: (1)梯级水电站群消落运用方式是影响梯级水电站综合经济效益充分发挥的重要问题,围绕科学控制金沙江下游梯级电站枯期消落水位、兼顾梯级总发电效益并控制弃水这一关键工程难题,研究工作在分析了设计代表站屏山水文站枯水期及汛前径流规律的基础上,提出了5月、6月分旬控制消落的梯级水电站群枯期消落运用方式。在此基础上,分析了金沙江下游梯级近期水平下不同消落深度对梯级总体运行调度的影响,得到了不同频率来水情况下溪洛渡、向家坝梯级电站水位消落控制方案;进一步,以金沙江下游流域乌东德、白鹤滩、溪洛渡、向家坝梯级电站群为研究对象,对金沙江远景水平下联合运行时枯期消落方式进行了分析,所得结论可供金沙江梯级电站群在实际运行中制定调度方案参考。 (2)针对流域大规模水电站群联合发电优化调度时间和空间的多维性、库群入流复杂性、服务和调度主体非单一性等特点,研究工作从流域梯级大规模电站群整体优化的角度出发,建立了金沙江梯级电站群联合发电优化调度模型和长江中上游梯级发电分区优化调度模型,根据电站所属流域相对位置以及其水力补偿关系进行虚拟分区,以控制区内电站群子系统为对象进行分区优化控制。为突破已有理论和方法在实际工程问题求解时存在计算精度低、时问复杂度较高等技术瓶颈,提出了一种基于精英向导的粒子群算法(EGPSO),通过引入外部档案集保存精英解,为粒子进化提供精英向导,同时采用约束廊道法有效解决发电优化调度问题中的多约束耦合问题,应用实例表明所提出方法求解精度高、时效性好,具有较强的工程实用性,为求解高维、复杂梯级水库群优化调度问题提供了一种新思路。 (3)为探索金沙江下游梯级水电站群和三峡梯级联合发电调度运行特点,揭示其在不同调度方式下的补偿效益及响应规律,研究分别建立了以发电量最大为目标的单库优化调度模型和梯级联合优化调度模型,采用EGPSO算法分别对不同典型代表年径流输入条件下两模型进行求解,对比分析了不同调度方式下梯级电站群发电、弃水等时空分布的差异,揭示了梯级水电站群协同发电调度的补偿效益规律。分析结果表明,梯级水电站群联合调度能显著提高系统整体发电量,减少弃水,补偿效益显著;梯级联合调度中,金沙江梯级对三峡梯级进行了电量补偿,在提高梯级整体枯期出力和季节性发电量的同时,缓解了汛期集中消落带来的调度风险。 (4)综合考虑水电站群及区域水火电系统多目标运行的工程需求,通过分析梯级水电站群发电效益、保证出力和通航流量目标间的用水竞争关系,建立了流域梯级水电站群多目标调度模型;同时深入解析了区域水火电系统经济运行和节能减排之间的冲突关系,建立了区域水火电系统短期多目标调度模型。针对已有单目标粒子群算法无法满足多目标求解的难题,提出了一种改进的多目标粒子群算法,通过引入外部精英种群为粒子进化提供多精英向导,在提高求解精度的同时增强了劣解集分布的均匀性。将提出方法应用于上述多目标问题的求解中,结果表明该方法能快速得到一组均衡优化不同目标的非劣调度方案集;在此基础上,对梯级发电效益、容量效益和航运效益,水火电系统运行成本和减少排放调度目标间的耦合与响应规律进行了探索,为梯级水电站群及其互联水火电系统运行的方案优选提供了技术支撑。
[Abstract]:With the sustainable development of hydropower and energy , the theory and method of comprehensive optimization of cascade hydropower stations and comprehensive utilization of water resources have been studied in this paper .

( 1 ) The utilization mode of the cascade hydropower station cluster is an important problem affecting the comprehensive economic benefits of cascade hydropower stations . Based on the analysis of the key engineering problems of the cascade hydropower station in the downstream cascade of Jinshajiang River , this paper analyzes the influence of different elimination depths on the overall operation and dispatching of cascade hydropower stations in May and June .
Further , based on the research object of Wudongde , Baihe beach , Xilodu and Xiangjiaba cascade hydropower stations in the lower reaches of Jinshajiang River , this paper analyzes the elimination mode of the dry period under the high level of Jinshajiang River , and the conclusions can be used for the reference of the Jinshajiang cascade hydropower station in the actual operation .

In order to solve the problem of multi - constraint coupling in power generation optimization scheduling problem , this paper proposes an elite guide - based particle swarm optimization algorithm ( EGPSO ) to solve the problem of multi - constraint coupling in power generation optimization scheduling problem .

( 3 ) In order to explore the operation characteristics of cascade hydropower stations in the lower reaches of Jinshajiang River , the compensation benefit and response law of cascade hydropower stations in different dispatching modes are revealed .
In the cascade joint dispatching , the Jinsha River step carried out electric quantity compensation on the cascade of the Three Gorges , while increasing the output power and seasonal power generation during the whole period of the cascade , the scheduling risk brought by the centralized elimination of the flood season is relieved .

( 4 ) comprehensively considering the engineering requirements of multi - target operation of the hydropower station group and the regional water - fire electricity system , analyzing the power generation benefit of the cascade hydropower station group , ensuring the water - water competition relation between the output force and the navigable flow target , and establishing a multi - target scheduling model of the cascade hydropower station group ;
At the same time , the conflict between economic operation and energy saving emission reduction of regional hydro - electric system is deeply analyzed , and the short - term multi - objective scheduling model of regional water - fire electricity system is established .
On the basis of this , the coupling and response rule between cascade power generation benefit , capacity benefit and shipping benefit , operation cost of water and fire electricity system and emission control target are explored , and technical support is provided for the scheme of cascade hydropower station group and its interconnected water - fire electricity system .



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