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发布时间:2018-03-29 21:22

  本文选题:风电场宏观选址 切入点:准入容量 出处:《燕山大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着环境污染和能源危机日益严重,风力发电越来越受到世界各国的重视,风电场的装机容量也曾上升的趋势。然而如何选取合适的风电场场址、计算并网风电场的准入容量以及对风电场并网方案进行合理评价成为现阶段亟需解决的问题。众所周知,风电机组的出力与其所在地的风能资源分布密切相关。所以,风电场的选址是风电场规划过程中必不可少的步骤。由于风电场出力受风速和风向的影响,而自然界的风具有波动性并难以预测,导致风电场的出力也具有随机波动性。所以,风电场的并网会影响电网的静态安全稳定和电能质量,,这也是制约并网风电场准入容量的重要原因。综上所述,风电场的选址和准入容量的确定对风电场规划有着至关重要的意义。 课题从含风电场的电力系统潮流计算的研究入手,分析各种计算方法的优缺点,最后采用联合迭代法作为系统潮流计算的方法。此方法通过风电场有功功率和节点电压求解风电场的无功功率,所以比常规PQ模型计算方法的结果更精确,同时,修正雅克比矩阵中风电场节点无功功率增量对电压的偏导数,使迭代次数减少,程序收敛快。 通过平均风功率密度、有效风功率密度和全年风能可利用小时数等指标对风能观测点的风能资源状况进行评估,进而对风电场进行宏观选址。在风电场的宏观地址已确定的基础上计算风电场的准入容量。本文对已有的基本遗传算法的选择、交叉、变异方法进行改进,对交叉算子和变异算子进行优化,使算法的精确度更高,收敛性更好。利用改进的遗传算法,求解基于电网静态安全约束的风电场准入容量,求解过程中考虑了风电场出力的随机波动性和风电场的尾流效应。 对风电场并网方案的经济性和可靠性进行评价,分别利用单一指标和综合指标考察风电场并网后电网的性能,选出最优的风电场并网方案。最后,以云南部分地区电网为算例对本文所研究内容进行验证与分析。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the environmental pollution and energy crisis becoming more and more serious, wind power generation has attracted more and more attention from all over the world, and the installed capacity of wind farms has also increased. Calculating the access capacity of grid-connected wind farm and evaluating the scheme of wind farm grid connection are the problems that need to be solved at this stage. As we all know, the output capacity of wind turbine is closely related to the distribution of wind energy resources in the place where it is located. Wind farm location is an essential step in wind farm planning. Because wind farm output is affected by wind speed and direction, and wind in nature is volatile and unpredictable, wind farm output is also stochastic. The grid connection of wind farm will affect the static security and power quality of power grid, which is also an important reason for restricting the access capacity of wind farm connected to grid. The location of wind farm and the determination of access capacity are very important for wind farm planning. Starting with the research of power system power flow calculation with wind farm, the paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of various calculation methods. Finally, the combined iteration method is used to calculate the power flow of the system. The reactive power of the wind farm is solved by the active power and node voltage of the wind farm, so it is more accurate than the conventional PQ model. The partial derivative of reactive power increment to voltage of wind farm node in Jacobian matrix is corrected, which reduces the iteration times and the program converges quickly. The wind energy resources of wind energy observation points are evaluated by the average wind power density, the effective wind power density and the number of hours available for wind energy utilization in the whole year. On the basis of the macro location of the wind farm, the access capacity of the wind farm is calculated on the basis of the determination of the macro address of the wind farm. In this paper, the selection, crossover and mutation methods of the existing basic genetic algorithms are improved. The crossover operator and mutation operator are optimized so that the accuracy of the algorithm is higher and the convergence is better. Using the improved genetic algorithm, the access capacity of wind farm based on static security constraints of power grid is solved. The stochastic fluctuation of wind farm output and the wake effect of wind farm are considered. The economy and reliability of wind farm grid connection scheme are evaluated. The performance of wind farm grid after grid connection is investigated by a single index and a comprehensive index. Finally, the optimal wind farm grid connection scheme is selected. The research contents of this paper are verified and analyzed by taking Yunnan power grid as an example.


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