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发布时间:2018-03-31 06:33

  本文选题:设计知识 切入点:选型平台 出处:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the expansion of enterprise production scale and the increase of engineering quantity, the methods used by enterprise designers to achieve electrical type selection and design through manual design have been unable to keep up with a large number of complex engineering management requirements.The artificial design method is too dependent on the accumulation of experience, the design cycle is longer and the precision is not high, which is not conducive to the design of large engineering.Over the years, Angang Group Information Industry Co., Ltd. has assumed the task of design, manufacture, technology research and development, equipment installation, commissioning and key scientific research projects at home and abroad, and has accumulated a lot of design knowledge.It is urgent to manage and reuse these experiential knowledge and plan to set up the electric design platform project in order to realize the automation of electrical equipment selection and design, to improve the efficiency of product selection and to solve the urgent problems to be solved by enterprises.The design of frequency converter selection is one of the important links, because with the development of variable frequency speed regulation technology, frequency converter has been widely used in the cold rolling, hot rolling, blast furnace, converter and other production lines, which has a great impact on production.Frequency converter selection will also directly affect the reliability and efficiency of production.However, the frequency converter selection is different under different working conditions in different application situations, and the factors that need to be analyzed are complicated.In view of the above problems, through the analysis of the current research status of inverter product selection technology, and combined with the actual situation of Angang,On the basis of electrical design platform, the selection method and platform design of frequency converter based on knowledge reuse technology are put forward and completed, and the theory of knowledge reuse and product selection design is studied.Based on the research of knowledge reuse design, the application of knowledge reuse in type selection design, especially in frequency converter selection design is analyzed.The electrical equipment selection platform is constructed by using knowledge reuse technology, and the development process of electrical equipment selection platform based on knowledge reuse technology is analyzed, and the system structure and function module are discussed.The selection of frequency converter and resource management in the system structure are analyzed and designed.The feasibility and effectiveness of the frequency converter selection method based on knowledge reuse technology are verified by taking the continuous winding line of Angang cold rolling mill as an example.


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