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发布时间:2018-04-01 12:35

  本文选题:风电 切入点:储能系统 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济的快速发展,环境问题以及能源短缺的问题愈发突出,所以开发利用新能源已成为各国实现可持续发展的战略之一。风能是一种清洁、无污染、可再生能源,而且风力发电技术已经相当的成熟,所以我国已经把可再生能源的利用特别是风力发电列为实现我国能源、电力和经济社会可持续发展战略的重要组成之一。 风力发电并网能够最大限度的利用风能,但是由于风能的随机性和间歇性,而且风速预测存在误差而造成风电功率输出的不可控性和不可预期性,因而风电接入电网后,波动的风电功率已引起电网的频率的波动,威胁电力系统安全运行,同时风电场的功率波动会产生电压的波动和闪变,影响电能质量。 分布式发电相对于传统集中大电网的优势使其已成为电力系统的研究热点,而微电网能够满足负荷所需求的多样化的电能质量要求、提高供电的可靠性已成为世界各国非常重视的电网发展形式。现代电力电子技术和储能技术的都取得了快速的发展,将储能系统应用于风力发电中,能够有效的解决风电并网难的问题。 本文主要研究对象为并网变换器,针对风电场功率波动采用低通滤波器的方法研究通过储能系统的快速充放电对于减小风电功率波动、提高供电质量的作用机理,同时针对微网风电储能系统在故障、孤岛、孤岛到再并网情况提出了控制策略,故障情况下发出无功提高系统电压进而提升电网稳定性;孤岛情况下保证本地负荷的供电;孤网到再并网运行以实现风能的最大利用;搭建了仿真平台并进行了完整而相关的仿真验证,,验证所提出控制策略的正确有效性。最后针对储能平抑风电功率波动搭建了动模试验平台,进行了相关的硬件和软件设计,提出动模控制策略,以实验验证储能对于减小风电功率波动的作用效果。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy, the problems of environment and energy shortage become more and more prominent. Therefore, the development and utilization of new energy has become one of the strategies to achieve sustainable development. Wind energy is a clean, pollution-free, renewable energy. And wind power generation technology has been quite mature, so China has made the use of renewable energy, especially wind power, as one of the important components of sustainable development strategy of energy, electricity and economic and social development in China. Wind power generation can maximize the use of wind energy, but because of the randomness and intermittency of wind energy and the error of wind speed prediction, wind power output is uncontrollable and unpredictable, so wind power is connected to the power grid. The fluctuating wind power has caused the frequency fluctuation of the power grid and threatened the safe operation of the power system. At the same time, the fluctuation of the wind farm power will produce voltage fluctuation and flicker, which will affect the power quality. Compared with the traditional centralized power grid, distributed generation has become a hot spot in power system research, and micro-grid can meet the diverse power quality requirements of load demand. Improving the reliability of power supply has become a very important form of power grid development in the world. The modern power electronics technology and energy storage technology have made rapid development, and the energy storage system has been applied to wind power generation. Can effectively solve the problem of wind power grid difficulties. In this paper, the main research object is grid-connected converter. The low-pass filter method is used to study the mechanism of reducing the fluctuation of wind power and improving the quality of power supply through the rapid charge and discharge of energy storage system. At the same time, the control strategy of micro-grid wind energy storage system is put forward in the case of fault, isolated island, isolated island to reconnected grid, in which reactive power is issued to increase system voltage, and power supply of local load is guaranteed under isolated island condition. In order to realize the maximum utilization of wind energy, a simulation platform is set up and a complete and relevant simulation is carried out. Finally, a dynamic model test platform is set up for energy storage to suppress the fluctuation of wind power. The related hardware and software design is carried out, and the dynamic model control strategy is put forward. The effect of energy storage on reducing the fluctuation of wind power is verified by experiments.


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