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基于Win CE的柴油发电机燃油消耗监测系统的设计

发布时间:2018-04-01 18:56

  本文选题:Win 切入点:CE 出处:《南京农业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国是世界石油消费大国,随着人口数量及工业耗能的不断增加,原油进口量也在不断增加,节能一直是世界经济发展的基本要求。柴油发电机具备热效率高、运行费用低、负荷适应能力强、易于实现自动化等突出优点。在某些特定场合,柴油发电机组的需求量正在不断增加,比如在油田、矿区、林区、牧区和国防工程等场合,受经济成本或地理环境因素的限制无法使用电网连接时,柴油发电机就成为其照明的主要动力,因此,对柴油发电机的性能和技术要求也在不断提高。燃油消耗量是评价柴油发电机经济性能的重要指标,对燃油消耗进行精确计量考核及管理,是节省燃油消耗、避免燃油浪费和节能减排的重要技术举措。尽管人们已成功地设计了多种燃油消耗计量装置,但现有大多数燃油监测仪表都存在测量精度低、小量程下测量误差大、仪表功能单一、功能扩展性差、处理速度慢和硬件系统繁琐等不足。针对现有油耗监测系统存在的不足,本文以虚拟仪器技术、Zigbee无线传输技术、嵌入式操作系统技术为理论背景,设计开发了一种基于Win CE的柴油发电机燃油消耗监测系统,主要研究内容及结果如下:1.根据实际要求,对系统工作原理作出分析并提出系统总体设计方案。2.进行系统的硬件设计与开发选择涡轮流量传感器作为流量计量装置,同时选择三菱FX1S系列PLC完成了传感器传输数据的处理;系统主控模块选择ARM8060工控主板接收PLC采集的数据,完成数据实时显示及存储等功能;使用阿尔泰科技有限公司的Zigbee数据采集收、发模块完成数据的无线传输。3.进行系统软件设计和开发介绍了数据采集模块PLC的编程,对Win CE嵌入式操作系统的移植方法作分析研究,使用梯形图语言完成了数据采集模块PLC的编程;使用LabVIEW图形化语言完成了Win CE操作系统下应用软件的编写。使用LabVIEW中的LabSQL工具包进行对Access数据库的访问,完成了上位机油耗管理软件的编写,实现了数据的写入与查询功能。4.在实验室以水为介质,对系统的测量精度、通讯效果以及系统的可靠性进行了实验验证,实验结果表明该系统工作稳定、精确度高,无线传输有效距离满足工作要求。
[Abstract]:China is a big oil consuming country in the world. With the increasing of population and industrial energy consumption, the import of crude oil is also increasing. Energy saving is always the basic requirement of the world economic development. The diesel generator has high thermal efficiency and low operating cost. The demand for diesel generator sets is increasing in certain situations, such as oil fields, mining areas, forest areas, pastoral areas and national defense projects. Diesel generators become the main power for their lighting when they are unable to use the power grid due to economic costs or geographical factors, so, The fuel consumption is an important index to evaluate the economic performance of the diesel generator, and the accurate metering and management of the fuel consumption is to save the fuel consumption. Important technical measures to avoid fuel waste and save energy and reduce emissions. Although a variety of fuel consumption metering devices have been successfully designed, most existing fuel monitoring instruments have low measurement accuracy and large measurement errors at small ranges. The instrument function is single, the function expansibility is poor, the processing speed is slow and the hardware system is tedious and so on. In view of the shortcomings of the existing oil consumption monitoring system, this paper uses the virtual instrument technology to make Zigbee wireless transmission technology. Based on the embedded operating system technology, a diesel generator fuel consumption monitoring system based on Win CE is designed and developed. The main research contents and results are as follows: 1. The working principle of the system is analyzed and the overall design scheme of the system is put forward. The hardware design and development of the system are carried out. The turbine flow sensor is selected as the flow metering device and the Mitsubishi FX1S series PLC is selected to complete the data processing of the sensor. The main control module of the system selects the ARM8060 industrial control motherboard to receive the data collected by PLC, accomplishes the functions of displaying and storing the data in real time, and uses the Zigbee data collection and collection of Altay Technology Co., Ltd. This paper introduces the programming of data acquisition module PLC, and analyzes the transplant method of Win CE embedded operating system. The data acquisition module PLC is programmed by ladder diagram language, the application software under Win CE operating system is written by LabVIEW graphic language, and the Access database is accessed by LabSQL toolkit in LabVIEW. The upper computer oil consumption management software has been completed, and the function of data writing and querying has been realized. 4. The measurement accuracy, communication effect and reliability of the system have been verified experimentally in the laboratory with water as the medium. The experimental results show that the system works stably with high accuracy and the effective distance of wireless transmission meets the requirement of work.


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