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发布时间:2018-04-03 22:39

  本文选题:家庭用电监管 切入点:智能终端 出处:《江南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着人们对于居住环境的品质要求日益提高,与之相伴的家庭能源消耗亦逐年增加。加之人们对能源使用的传统习惯,缺乏对能源消耗的有效管理,由此带来了严重的后果。如今智能电网与物联网技术的发展成为实现家庭用电监管的重要技术支撑,加强对家庭能源的智能管理是未来的发展趋势,能源监管类终端产品将形成全方位发展新方向。 本课题主要针对家庭用电监管需求的智能终端系统作为研究对象,侧重于产品系统及服务设计领域的系统创新方法和策略,将技术、用户和商业服务结合。论文首先把握当前家庭用电状况和用电政策,从概念特征、相关产品、发展阶段和典型案例对家庭用电监管智能终端系统进行解析,总结归纳未来趋势与潜在威胁;其次,本文基于系统服务平台的分析,从三个层面——终端设备层、应用管理层、增值服务层对典型家庭能源监管系统进行细致的比较和分析;再次,以城市80后家庭用户为例展开实地调研,通过定量研究探讨生活方式及产品需求态度调查,根据深入访谈与情境调查法寻找创新机会点,确认系统构建方式;最后基于系统构建方式,从系统的三个层面和建立激励机制推动家庭行为角度对家庭用电监管系统提出针对性策略,并结合策略进行接触点设计,对研究成果进行检验。 家庭用电监管智能终端系统的价值不仅体现在限制终端能耗、通过计量和跟踪能源的使用来建立基准和目标,更重要的是激励家庭成员的行为与关系,增强终端日常生活化与智能体验,创建产品、服务、合作关系的“生态系统”,推广节能解决方案、拓展商业服务模式,通过能源监管产品到系统服务的多层次开发和研究,,给企业带来利益和价值,同时给用户带来方便,鼓励社会用户使用并推动社会的节能减排意识,推动家庭能耗监管类产品从产品到策略的一体化方案。
[Abstract]:With the increasing demand for the quality of living environment, the household energy consumption increases year by year.In addition, the traditional habits of energy use and the lack of effective management of energy consumption have brought serious consequences.Nowadays, the development of smart grid and Internet of things technology has become an important technical support to realize household electricity supervision. Strengthening the intelligent management of household energy is the development trend in the future, and the end products of energy supervision will form a new direction of all-around development.This paper mainly focuses on the intelligent terminal system of household electricity supervision and demand, focusing on the system innovation methods and strategies in the field of product system and service design, combining technology, user and business service.First of all, the paper grasps the current situation and policy of household electricity consumption, analyzes the intelligent terminal system of household electricity supervision from conceptual features, related products, development stages and typical cases, and summarizes the future trends and potential threats.Based on the analysis of system service platform, this paper compares and analyzes the typical household energy regulatory system from three levels: terminal equipment layer, application management layer and value-added service layer.Taking the post-80s urban household users as an example, the author carries out field research, through quantitative research to explore lifestyle and product demand attitude survey, according to in-depth interviews and situational survey to find innovation opportunities, confirm the way of system construction;Finally, based on the system construction mode, from the three levels of the system and the establishment of incentive mechanism to promote the family behavior point of view to put forward targeted strategies for the household electricity supervision system, and combined with the strategy of contact point design, to test the research results.The value of intelligent terminal system of household electricity supervision is not only to limit terminal energy consumption, but also to establish benchmarks and goals by measuring and tracking the use of energy, and more importantly, to encourage the behavior and relationship of family members.Enhancing terminal daily life and intelligent experience, creating "ecosystem" of product, service and cooperation relationship, popularizing energy-saving solution, expanding business service model, developing and researching multi-level from product to system service through energy supervision,It can bring benefits and value to enterprises, at the same time bring convenience to users, encourage social users to use and promote the awareness of energy saving and emission reduction, and promote the integration of household energy consumption regulatory products from products to strategies.


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