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发布时间:2018-04-03 23:09

  本文选题:抗辐照玻璃 切入点:电子辐照 出处:《光谱学与光谱分析》2014年04期

【摘要】:研究了1.7 MeV的电子辐照对具有Anti-radiation glass/ITO/ZnO/CdS/CdTe/ZnTe/ZnTe:Cu/Ni结构的碲化镉多晶薄膜太阳电池器件性能的影响。抗辐照玻璃的使用,有效防止了普通玻璃受辐照后性能变化对测试结果的影响。利用光、暗I-V,C-V,QE,AS等测试手段,分析了包括开路电压、短路电流、转换效率在内的电池性能。通过对比研究暗电流密度、分析了辐照对电池电流传输特性的影响。辐照后短路电流下降很大,电池效率明显降低。反向饱和电流密度有所增加,表明太阳电池的pn结特性受到损伤,而二极管理想因子几乎不变,说明太阳电池电流的输运机制未发生了变化。量子效率曲线证明是由于太阳电池结区损伤影响了光生载流子的收集。辐照使载流子浓度下降为原来的40.6%。导纳谱研究最终发生辐照会引入Cd~(2+)缺陷能级,其位置为E_1—E_v=(0.58±0.02)eV,俘获截面为1.78×10~(-16)cm~2,表明辐照会影响光生载流子的产生,增加了载流子复合的概率,使得反向暗电流增大,最终导致电池的短路电流衰减。
[Abstract]:The effects of 1. 7 MeV electron irradiation on the performance of cadmium telluride polycrystalline thin film solar cell with Anti-radiation glass/ITO/ZnO/CdS/CdTe/ZnTe/ZnTe:Cu/Ni structure were investigated.The use of irradiation-resistant glass effectively prevents the influence of the change of properties of common glass after irradiation on the test results.The performance of the battery including open circuit voltage, short circuit current and conversion efficiency is analyzed by means of light, dark I-VN C-VN QEas and so on.By comparing the dark current density, the effects of irradiation on the current transmission characteristics of the cell are analyzed.After irradiation, the short circuit current decreased greatly, and the efficiency of the battery decreased obviously.The increase of reverse saturation current density indicates that the pn junction characteristics of solar cells are damaged, while the diode ideal factor is almost unchanged, which indicates that the current transport mechanism of solar cells has not changed.The quantum efficiency curve shows that the damage in the junction region of solar cells affects the collection of photogenerated carriers.The carrier concentration was reduced to 40.6 by irradiation.瀵肩撼璋辩爺绌舵渶缁堝彂鐢熻緪鐓т細寮曞叆Cd~(2 )缂洪櫡鑳界骇,鍏朵綅缃负E_1鈥擡_v=(0.58卤0.02)eV,淇樿幏鎴潰涓,




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