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发布时间:2018-04-04 16:46

  本文选题:电动汽车 切入点:负荷预测 出处:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Electric vehicle is a key guiding and supporting industry during the 12th Five-Year Plan period. In view of the trend of large-scale popularization of electric vehicle in the future, this paper combines the characteristics of electric vehicle charging itself.The research is carried out from the aspects of calculating the space-time distribution of charging load and improving the precision of power prediction for large-scale electric vehicles (EVs).In order to promote the industrialization process of electric vehicles and provide the theoretical basis for the safe and stable operation of large-scale electric vehicles connected to the power grid, reduce the impact of large-scale electric vehicles connected to the grid.The main work of this paper is divided into three parts, which are summarized as follows: the research on the distribution of charge load in time and space after the development of electric vehicle scale is the basis of realizing good interaction between electric vehicle and power grid.This paper starts from two aspects: on the one hand, considering the different driving rules and charging modes of different types of electric vehicles, and discussing the various factors such as user behavior, charging mode, power battery characteristics, etc.The influence of various factors on the charging power characteristics of electric vehicles is studied to ensure the reasonableness of input parameters of the power calculation model, and the distribution of charging power of electric vehicles in time under complex environment is analyzed by a comprehensive example.On the other hand, because of the social attribute of the electric vehicle development, the electric vehicle's permeability, the charge price and the government's guiding strategy will all influence the electric vehicle's charge load, and the electric vehicle's charge load characteristic will be different in different area.Based on the above factors, the cluster effect of electric vehicle is analyzed and the spatial distribution of charging load of electric vehicle in different regions is calculated.Based on the known temporal and spatial distribution of electric vehicles, this paper designs a multi-time scale load forecasting scheme, which is divided into pre-day prediction, time-front rolling correction prediction and real-time forecasting.Combined with the power calculation or actual results of electric vehicle in many days to be forecasted, the power of 24 hours a day in the next week is forecasted under the constraint of prediction precision.Combined with the new data on the same day, the time front rolling correction forecast is used to correct the results of the day forecast at that time through the latest actual value of electric vehicle power, so as to reduce the influence of the day power forecast error on the day load forecast value.In real time forecasting, the load prediction error of rolling forecasting at the next time is corrected by adding load data to forecast the load value of the next time, 10 or 15 min.To improve the precision of electric vehicle power prediction is the key to participate in the optimal dispatching and operation of electric vehicle after it is put into the network on a large scale. The distribution of load sequence of electric vehicle in time and space is disordered and random.Based on the traditional power forecasting method, this paper presents a multi-time scale decision model for electric vehicles, which is composed of improved GA algorithm and improved grey algorithm, which is suitable for electric vehicle prediction.Through the combination of AHP and expert experience, the weight of the improved GA algorithm GA-BP algorithm and the improved grey algorithm algorithm in the decision-making algorithm is determined.To a certain extent, the three algorithms can be used to complement each other, improve the prediction accuracy, improve the level of interaction between electric vehicles and power grid, and reduce the impact of electric vehicle charging volatility and randomness on the power grid.To provide data support and theoretical support for the subsequent research on electric vehicles.


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