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发布时间:2018-04-05 19:25

  本文选题:智能化变电站 切入点:一次设备改造 出处:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:改造前110kV龟山变电站采用了些变电站自动化技术,提高了电网运行的技术,改善了变电站自动控制的能力和可靠性,但仍维持着常规变电站自动化系统原有的功能和逻辑关系,不同厂家的产品无法互通,数据交互方面受到限制,影响了变电站的投入、运行及维护,有必要对其进行智能化改造。本课题根据变电站智能化的技术要求,分析了变电站现有概况和运行情况,确定了改造方案和技术要点;在此基础上,首先通过更换与升级改造,对常规一次设备进行改造,一方面增设“控制智能化”功能,实现对隔离刀闸远遥控功能,提高了人员及设备的安全性与可靠性,另一方面增设智能组件实现对一次设备状态的测量、控制、计量、监测、保护等功能;其次是自动化系统改造,其核心在于DL/T860 (IEC 61850)标准体系,过程层数字化解决了传统变电站电缆二次接线复杂、抗干扰能力差、系统扩展性差等缺点,提高了信息的传输能力和速度,实现了信息共享化。根据规范、导则要求,对自动化系统整体构架进行改造,对一体化信息平台以及配置工具进行改造,实现变电站与各级调度中心之间的“即插即用”功能,对继电保护以及自动化系统设备进行重新配置,同时对顺控功能以及防误闭锁功能进行进一步改造升级,还增设了网络报文记录分析功能等基本功能;再次是增加智能变电站高级应用功能,其中包括智能告警及分析决策功能、故障信息综合分析决策功能;此外,还对站用电源和辅助系统进行了智能一体化改造,改造部分较为老旧的电源设备,提高设备可靠性,实现全站电源设备集中布置,交流电源、UPS电源全面监控,并且根据实际情况增加直流馈线回路,在辅助系统改造方面,为了满足无人值班变电站的要求,对视频监控、安防、火灾等子系统进行改造。经过改造,110kV龟山变电站成为基于DL/T860 (IEC 61850)标准体系采用分层分布式结构,全站主设备实现状态可视化,设备实时监控,统一信息平台,站用变一体化,一次设备智能控制,具有防误闭锁功能、顺控功能等一系列基本功能,同时具有故障信息综合分析、智能告警分析等高级应用功能的智能变电站。
[Abstract]:Before the transformation, 110kV Guishan substation adopted some substation automation technology, which improved the operation technology of power grid, improved the ability and reliability of substation automatic control, but still maintained the original function and logic relationship of conventional substation automation system.The products of different manufacturers can not be exchanged, and the data exchange is restricted, which affects the input, operation and maintenance of substation, so it is necessary to carry out intelligent transformation.According to the technical requirements of substation intelligence, this paper analyzes the existing situation and operation of substation, determines the transformation scheme and technical essentials, and on this basis, through the replacement and upgrading, the conventional primary equipment is transformed.On the one hand, the "intelligent control" function is added to realize the remote control function of the isolator brake, which improves the safety and reliability of the personnel and equipment. On the other hand, the intelligent component is added to realize the measurement, control, measurement and monitoring of the state of the primary equipment.Protection and other functions, the second is the transformation of automation system, the core of which is the DL/T860 / IEC61850) standard system. The process layer digitization solves the disadvantages of the traditional substation cable secondary wiring complexity, poor anti-interference ability, poor system expansibility and so on.The transmission ability and speed of information are improved, and information sharing is realized.According to the specifications and guidelines, the whole framework of the automation system should be reformed, and the integrated information platform and the configuration tools should be transformed to realize the "plug and play" function between the substation and the dispatching center at all levels.The relaying protection and automation system equipment are reconfigured, at the same time, the sequence control function and the anti-error locking function are further reformed and upgraded, and some basic functions, such as network message recording and analysis function, are added.Thirdly, the advanced application function of intelligent substation is added, which includes intelligent alarm and analysis decision function, comprehensive analysis and decision function of fault information, in addition, the intelligent integrated transformation of power supply and auxiliary system is also carried out.In order to improve the reliability of the old and old power supply equipment, realize the centralized arrangement of the power equipment in the whole station, monitor the power supply of the AC power supply and UPS, and add the DC feeder circuit according to the actual situation, it is necessary to improve the auxiliary system.In order to meet the requirements of unmanned substation, video surveillance, security, fire and other subsystems are reformed.After revamping the 110kV Guishan substation, the standard system based on DL/T860 / IEC61850 adopts layered distributed structure, the main equipment of the whole station realizes the state visualization, the equipment real-time monitoring, the unified information platform, the integration of station and transformer, the intelligent control of the primary equipment.It has a series of basic functions, such as anti-error locking function, sequence control function and so on. At the same time, it has advanced application functions such as comprehensive analysis of fault information, intelligent alarm analysis and so on.


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