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发布时间:2018-04-06 01:18

  本文选题:小水电 切入点:电压越限 出处:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:面对日益增长的节能减排压力和譬如雾霾等严峻环境污染问题,小水电作为技术成熟、经济性高的清洁能源,具有强大的发展潜力。但是,小水电接入的配电网通常为负荷分散、供电半径大的配电网,在丰水期小水电满发,配电网电压将被抬高;而在枯水期小水电出力小,由于供电线路过长,又将导致线路末端电压偏低。本文对含小水电接入的区域配电网电压特性、电压调节、电压优化等方面展开了研究工作,主要研究工作包括如下几点:(1)分析含小水电接入的区域配电网电压特性。本文将配电网简化为一个变电站节点和小水电负荷节点,由已知的首端节点电压、末端功率大小和线路阻抗推导线路压降的数学模型,从而解释小水电接入配电网后会产生的电压偏高或偏低的现象,并对比分析了小水电接入配电网前后的电压特性。(2)研究含小水电接入的区域配电网电压调节措施。针对含小水电接入的配电网在丰水期部分节点电压越出上限、枯水期部分节点电压越出下限问题,本文提出线路调压器调压、小水电机组运行方式调压、并联无功补偿设备调压、更换输电线路调压和调节变电站出口电压调压等多种调压措施,深入研究这些调压措施的调压原理,详细分析它们特点及优缺点,并构建了一个6节点的简单配电网,分析这些调压措施的实际调压效果。(3)建立含小水电接入的区域配电网电压优化模型,并给出求解方法。本文对采用线路调压器、小水电运行方式和调节变电站出口电压三种措施进行组合调压的含小水电接入的配电电压优化问题,以各节点电压和系统潮流为约束,以线路有功损耗最小为目标,建立含小水电接入的配电网电压优化模型。为求解该非线性优化问题,本文选择原对偶内点法进行求解,推导了求解该模型的详细过程,给出模型的修正方程系数项矩阵和修正方程参数项矩阵。(4)开发《含小水电接入的配电网电压优化》软件。为应用提出的含小水电接入的区域配电网电压优化方法,开发了《含小水电接入的配电网电压优化》软件。软件适用于采用线路调压器、改变小水电机组运行方式和调节变电站出口母线3种措施组合调压的含小水电接入的配电网电压优化问题,对配电网在不同运行场景下存在的电压偏高或偏低问题给出相应的调压建议,经验证软件有着良好的调压效果。本软件基于C++语言使用Qt Creator集成开发环境开发,由南瑞ON3000区域电网智能调度辅助决策自动化系统调用执行。
[Abstract]:In the face of growing pressure on energy saving and serious environmental pollution problems such as haze, small hydropower as a mature technology, high economical efficiency and clean energy, has great potential for development. However, the distribution network is usually small hydro power load power supply radius with scattered, large, small hydropower in the wet period full of hair, the voltage distribution network will be raised; and the output of small hydropower in the dry season, because of the power supply line is too long, and will lead to the end of the line voltage is low. In this paper, including small hydro power distribution network voltage, voltage regulation, voltage optimization research work is carried out, the main research work is as follows: (1) analysis of the regional distribution network voltage characteristics of a small hydro power distribution network. This paper will be simplified to a substation node and small hydropower load by the first node, end node voltage known, terminal power size and line resistance The mathematical model derived anti line voltage drop, high voltage will explain the small hydro power distribution network or low phenomenon, and analyzed the voltage characteristics before and after the access to the distribution network of small hydropower. (2) the voltage distribution network of small hydro power regulation measures. According to the distribution network with small hydro power in the wet period beyond the limit part of the node voltage, partial node voltage problems beyond the limit of the dry season, this paper put forward line voltage regulator, voltage operation of small hydropower units, parallel reactive power compensation devices, pressure regulating, regulating a variety of transmission line replacement pressure and regulating the substation voltage regulator and export pressure regulating measures, in-depth study the pressure regulating measures regulating principle, detailed analysis of their advantages and disadvantages, and built a 6 node distribution network, the analysis of the actual pressure regulating measures the pressure effect. (3) established with small hydropower Access to the distribution network voltage optimization model, the solving method is also presented. The line voltage regulator, small hydropower operation mode and regulation of substation outlet voltage regulator three measures including small hydro power distribution voltage optimization problem to the node voltage and power flow constraints to minimize active power line loss, establish the optimization model of distribution network voltage with small hydro power. In order to solve the nonlinear optimization problem is solved, the primal dual interior point method, the detailed process of solving the model is derived, the model gives the correction equation coefficient matrix and the correction equation parameter matrix. (4) "with small hydropower development access to the distribution network optimization software. For the application of voltage > set with small hydro power distribution network voltage optimization method is developed with < small hydro power distribution network optimization software. Soft voltage > Suitable to use line regulator, change the small hydropower operation mode and regulation of export 3 measures combined substation bus voltage with small hydro power distribution network optimization problem of high voltage voltage, exist in different operation scenarios of distribution network or the low voltage gives the corresponding suggestions, and verified by software a good regulating effect. The software using C++ language Qt Creator integrated development environment based on the development of the NARI ON3000 regional power grid intelligent dispatch automation system call aided decision execution.



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