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发布时间:2018-04-09 00:11

  本文选题:跳闸 切入点:鸟害等级 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, bird damage tripping fault accounts for more and more in Sichuan power grid tripping fault, which has become one of the main faults that destroy the safe and stable operation of power system.Although the electric power department has taken many measures to prevent bird damage, either the bird prevention work is not in place, the improper selection of bird control devices in some heavy bird damage areas results in poor bird control effect, or the bird control is excessive, resulting in many unnecessary economic losses.Therefore, it is necessary to establish an early warning model of bird damage level for transmission lines, which can guide the power department to carry out differentiated bird control for different bird damage levels of pole towers, and improve the utilization efficiency of bird prevention devices, at the same time,A bird hazard warning system is established to monitor the current bird hazard warning level of the tower with a higher bird damage level.By collecting the data of bird damage tripping in Sichuan power grid in the past ten years and analyzing the regional data of bird damage easily occurring in China, it is found that bird damage tripping fault occurs in different seasons and different time periods.The geographical environment around the tower and the structure of the tower are related.In this paper, taking the geographical characteristics and tower structure characteristics around the tower as the research object, using the comprehensive evaluation method and combining with the appropriate weight coefficient determination method, the early warning model of bird damage grade for transmission lines is established.A four-level classification method of bird damage grade was put forward based on bird damage grade index.The bird damage warning system sets the bird damage alarm level of the pole tower to four levels, and uses four different colors, blue, yellow, orange and red, to indicate the bird damage warning level from low to high, among which, blue is for level 4, red for level 1, and red for level 1.The workflow of the system is as follows: first, the data analysis module of the early warning system receives the bird risk index data around the tower collected from the higher bird damage level.And according to the size of bird risk index to evaluate the current bird damage alarm level of each tower. Secondly, the warning module of the system reflects the bird damage alarm level of each tower on the map layer with the color set by the system.In order to achieve the purpose of early warning of each tower, the buffer radius set by the operator is analyzed by using the tower with the tower of the flashing alarm as the center of the tower, and the buffer radius set by the operator is analyzed.Alert the power department to areas where bird tripping may occur.


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