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发布时间:2018-04-09 15:52

  本文选题:燃煤发电厂 切入点:超低排放 出处:《中国电力》2015年11期

【摘要】:以中国东部沿海位于《重点区域大气污染防治"十二五"规划》重点控制区的某采用"低氮燃烧+SCR+低低温静电除尘+湿法脱硫+湿式静电除尘"超低排放改造的燃煤电厂为研究对象,初步探索基于国家现有监测方法与标准的超低排放电厂主要烟气污染物的排放特征与环境效益。监测结果表明:在燃用硫分不高于0.75%、灰分不高于16.2%、低位发热量不低于21.87 MJ/kg燃煤情况下,按照小时均值的评判方法,在75%和100%负荷工况,受检燃煤电厂总排口NOx、SO2、烟尘和Hg及其化合物最大排放浓度分别为35.44 mg/m3、17.11 mg/m3、9.30 mg/m3和2.19μg/m3,满足超低排放相关要求。SO3、PM2.5和液滴排放浓度分别控制在3.5mg/m3、0.3 mg/m3和27.6 mg/m3以下,湿式静电除尘对PM2.5的脱除效率大于70%。超低排放有利于燃煤电厂污染物减排,但改造后污染物单位治理成本显著增大。另外,现有烟气污染物监测方法无法很好地满足低浓度条件下监测要求,建议相关部门尽快出台针对燃煤超低排放的污染物监测技术规范。
[Abstract]:The Ultra-low Emission Retrofit of "low nitrogen Combustion SCR low temperature Electrostatic Dedusting Wet method for Desulfurization by Wet method of Desulfurization by using low nitrogen Combustion SCR and low temperature Electrostatic Dedusting method" in the Eastern Coastal area of China located in the 12th Five-Year Plan for the Prevention of Air pollution in the key areaCoal-fired power plants based onThe emission characteristics and environmental benefits of main flue gas pollutants in ultra-low emission power plants based on the existing national monitoring methods and standards are preliminarily explored.The monitoring results show that under the conditions of burning sulfur less than 0.75, ash less than 16.2and low calorific value not lower than 21.87 MJ/kg, according to the method of hour average, the load conditions are 75% and 100%.The removal efficiency of PM2.5 by wet electrostatic dust removal is more than 70.The ultra-low emission is beneficial to the emission reduction of pollutants in coal-fired power plants, but the unit cost of pollutant treatment is significantly increased after the transformation.In addition, the existing monitoring methods of flue gas pollutants can not meet the monitoring requirements under low concentration conditions. It is suggested that the relevant departments should issue the monitoring technical specifications for ultra-low emissions from coal combustion as soon as possible.
【作者单位】: 环境保护部环境工程评估中心;浙江省能源集团有限公司;北京国华电力有限责任公司;


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5 黄伟;煤电污染物超低排放改造启动[N];新华日报;2014年

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