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发布时间:2018-04-11 18:33

  本文选题:燃煤发电机组 + 太阳能 ; 参考:《华北电力大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:近年来由于CO2的大量排放所导致的温室效应对全球气候和自然环境造成了一系列不利影响。在全球节能减排的大环境下,作为CO2第二排放大国,将面临巨大的减排压力。CO2捕集与封存技术(CCS)是以燃煤为主的能源结构下CO2减排的有效手段。基于单乙醇胺化学吸收法(MEA)的燃烧后碳捕集技术,是具有发展前景捕集技术。本文对以机组抽汽为碳捕集系统吸收剂解吸提供热源和以太阳能提供解吸热源的机组热力系统特性进行了研究。主要研究内容和创新如下: 1、分析了基于单乙醇胺(MEA)捕集CO2吸收剂解吸能耗特性,研究了以机组抽汽为吸收剂解吸热源的三种方案,确定了可行方案并对系统进行了优化。研究了基于MEA的CO2吸收剂解吸能耗特性,得到了不同质量分数下吸收剂的再生能耗,对碳捕集电站的能量流、质量流进行分析,研究了以机组抽汽为吸收剂解吸热源的三种方案,确定了可行方案。基于(?)分析模型和(?)成本分析,分析了系统的不可逆程度,考虑能量成本和非能量成本,研究了系统各组件热经济学成本的分布。 2、提出了基于碳捕集的太阳能-燃煤机组三种集成系统,分析了集成系统的热力学性能,研究了系统的不可逆程度及(?)成本分布规律。由于吸收剂解吸热需求量大,完全由机组抽汽提供解吸热,将使机组的能量流分布有较大改变,对机组经济安全运行产生不利影响。为此,本文提出了三种基于碳捕集的太阳能-燃煤机组集成系统,并对集成系统进行了可行性分析,研究了系统的热力学特性和炯成本分布规律。 3、构建了基于碳捕集的太阳能-燃煤机组集成系统的热经济学优化模型,对集成系统进行了技术经济性分析。分析了太阳能集热场为碳捕集系统提供热源时集成系统的热经济学特性,建立了以热经济学成本最小为目标函数的数学模型,对集成系统的能流进行了优化研究,分析了集成系统的热经济学成本分布规律。对所研究系统进行了技术经济评估,研究了发电成本、CO2减排成本随碳税收及售价的变化。
[Abstract]:In recent years , the greenhouse effect caused by the large discharge of CO2 has caused a series of adverse effects on the global climate and natural environment . In the world of energy saving and emission reduction , the CO2 capture and sequestration technology ( CCS ) is an effective means to reduce the emission of CO2 in the energy structure based on coal combustion .

1 . The energy consumption characteristics of CO 2 absorbent desorption based on MEA were analyzed . Three schemes of desorption heat source of CO 2 absorbent based on MEA were studied . The energy flow and mass flow of carbon capture plant were analyzed . The energy flow and mass flow of carbon capture power station were analyzed . Based on ( ? ) analytical model and ( ? ) cost analysis , the irreversible degree of the system was analyzed . The distribution of thermal economics cost of the components of the system was studied considering energy cost and non - energy cost .

2 . This paper presents three integrated systems of solar - coal - fired units based on carbon capture , analyzes the thermodynamic performance of the integrated system , studies the non - reversible degree and ( ? ) cost distribution law of the system .

3 . The thermal economics optimization model of the integrated system of solar - coal - fired units based on carbon capture was constructed . The thermal economic characteristics of the integrated system were analyzed . The thermal economics characteristics of the integrated system were analyzed .



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