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发布时间:2018-04-12 07:17

  本文选题:光伏电站 + 轴向双分裂变压器 ; 参考:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The PV step-up transformer is an important equipment of photovoltaic power plants, it will be delivered in the appropriate AC inverter voltage supplied to the corresponding grid. So to carry out the research and design of the PV step-up transformer, which has certain LVRT capability and good impedance characteristics of economic operation, meet the fluctuation of the photovoltaic power generation is intermittent to ensure the requirements of large scale grid connected photovoltaic power plant can run safely and stably, has very important economic significance. On the basis of reading a large number of domestic and foreign literature, summarizes the structure of transformer base, main technical parameters and working principle, the design of the structure of the traditional PV step-up transformer for axial double split this structure. Based on the axial double split transformer equivalent circuit and magnetic circuit model, using the leakage magnetic field of finite element analysis software ANSYS The simulation and analysis. In addition, the calculation method of load parameters of technical and economic operation axial double split transformer are deduced. Secondly, based on the magnitude of the impedance voltage after the simulation demonstrates the split type PV step-up transformer with low voltage ride through capability of this theory. Through the form of photovoltaic power plants, analysis of operation and the grid connected photovoltaic power plant technology, complete the specific electromagnetic design of split type PV step-up transformer. Transformer substation and on the basis of ten years cost principle, the application of split type PV step-up transformer has obvious economic benefit. Finally, the axial double split PV step-up transformer impedance through using the ANSYS simulation software, half through the impedance splitting impedance is analyzed and calculated, the simulation results verified the calculation of impedance voltage by using the finite element method is correct Sex and precision.



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