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发布时间:2018-04-14 01:03

  本文选题:键合 + 多结太阳电池 ; 参考:《物理学报》2014年17期

【摘要】:本文研制了直接键合的三结GaInP/GaAs/InGaAsP太阳电池.直接键合技术可以减少晶格不匹配的材料在外延生长过程中产生的线位错和面缺陷,将缺陷限制在界面几十纳米的薄层而不向内扩散,是未来实现高效多结电池的发展趋势之一.此类电池国内鲜有报道.本文键合三结电池的键合界面采用p+GaAs/n+InP结构,得到电池开路电压3.0 V,在电池结构没有优化的情况下获得效率24%,表面未做减反膜.开路电压表明三结电池实现了串联,为单片集成的高效多结电池提供了新的途径.对实验结果进行了分析并给出了改进措施.
[Abstract]:A three junction GaInP/GaAs/InGaAsP solar cell with direct bonding has been developed in this paper.The direct bonding technique can reduce the linear dislocations and surface defects in the epitaxial growth of materials with lattice mismatch, and limit the defects to tens of nanometers at the interface without diffusing them inward.It is one of the development trends of realizing high efficiency multi-junction battery in the future.Such batteries are rarely reported in China.In this paper, the bonding interface of the three junction battery is p GaAs/n InP structure, the open circuit voltage of the battery is 3. 0 V, and the efficiency is 24% when the structure of the battery is not optimized, and no antireflection film is made on the surface.The open circuit voltmeter three junction battery is connected in series, which provides a new way for the single chip integrated high efficiency multi junction battery.The experimental results are analyzed and the improvement measures are given.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院半导体研究所集成光电子学国家重点实验室;中国航天科技集团公司上海空间电源研究所;


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