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发布时间:2018-04-14 07:10

  本文选题:永磁同步电机 + 直接预测控制 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在永磁交流伺服系统中,一般采用位置环、速度环、电流环的三环级联控制结构进行控制。最内环电流环的性能直接决定了交流伺服系统的暂态和稳态响应,是提高交流伺服系统控制性能的关键。电流预测控制应用电机和逆变器的数学模型预测下一时刻电机的电流响应,从原理上提高了交流伺服系统电流环带宽,提升了电流环的暂态响应,是近年来研究的热点。根据电压矢量的作用方式不同可以分为不同种类电流预测控制,其各自的特点与优势适合应用于不同工业场合之中。此外,由于电流预测控制是基于模型的控制方法,控制器中模型的准确性对其控制性能会产生很大的影响,模型参数不匹配将会引起电流动态响应振荡以及静差的出现,导致系统稳定余量下降、效率降低、无法工作在力矩伺服模式等问题,这也是电流预测控制应用于实际工业系统中主要难点所在。 本文首先对比研究直接预测控制(direct predictive control—DPC)和PWM预测控制(PWM predictive control—PPC)两种电流预测控制算法。根据其工作原理在Simulink中对二者进行了仿真,重点研究了DPC的开关频率和控制性能与控制频率之间的关系,并分别在相同控制频率和相同开关频率下对DPC和PPC的控制性能进行了对比,明确了二者各自的优势及适用场合。在此基础上,对控制器模型存在参数误差时二者的电流响应进行了仿真研究,得出PPC方案对模型参数误差更为敏感的结论。 在定性仿真的基础上,本文根据预测控制方程对PPC的稳定性条件和模型参数敏感性进行了定量分析,研究加入鲁棒性因子对系统稳定性、动态响应及电流静差的影响。提出了一种电流静差消除算法:通过在d轴电流控制中加入积分环节,同时,根据q轴电流误差动态调整控制器磁链参数使之收敛于真值。因此,在不削弱PWM预测控制动态性能的前提下,,解决了由控制器模型参数不匹配引起的电流静差问题。 最后,在3.3kW永磁同步电机伺服平台上进行了实验验证,实现了DPC和PPC两种预测控制算法,并对二者性能进行了对比分析。针对PPC方案电流静差消除算法进行了测试,结果表明,该算法能够有效消除模型参数偏差引起的dq轴电流静差。
[Abstract]:In permanent magnet AC servo system, the three-loop cascade control structure of position loop, speed loop and current loop is generally used to control.The performance of the innermost loop current loop directly determines the transient and steady response of the AC servo system and is the key to improve the control performance of the AC servo system.The application of mathematical models of motor and inverter in current predictive control to predict the current response of the next moment is a hot research topic in recent years, which improves the bandwidth of current loop of AC servo system and the transient response of current loop in principle.According to the different action mode of voltage vector, it can be divided into different kinds of current predictive control, their respective characteristics and advantages are suitable for different industrial situations.In addition, because the current predictive control is a model-based control method, the accuracy of the model in the controller will have a great impact on its control performance. The mismatch of the model parameters will cause the oscillation of current dynamic response and the occurrence of static error.It leads to the decrease of system stability margin, the decrease of efficiency and the failure to work in torque servo mode, which is also the main difficulty in the application of current predictive control in practical industrial systems.In this paper, two current predictive control algorithms (direct predictive control-DPC) and PWM predictive control (PWM predictive control-DPC) are studied.According to its working principle, the two are simulated in Simulink, and the relationship between the switching frequency, control performance and control frequency of DPC is studied.The control performance of DPC and PPC is compared at the same control frequency and the same switching frequency, and their respective advantages and applicable situations are clarified.On this basis, the current response of the controller model with parameter error is simulated, and the conclusion that the PPC scheme is more sensitive to the model parameter error is obtained.On the basis of qualitative simulation, the stability condition and model parameter sensitivity of PPC are quantitatively analyzed according to the predictive control equation, and the effects of robustness factor on system stability, dynamic response and current static difference are studied.A current static error elimination algorithm is proposed. By adding integral link to the d-axis current control, the flux parameters of the controller are dynamically adjusted according to the q-axis current error to converge to the true value.Therefore, without weakening the dynamic performance of PWM predictive control, the problem of current statics caused by the mismatch of controller model parameters is solved.Finally, two predictive control algorithms, DPC and PPC, are implemented on the 3.3kW PMSM servo platform, and their performances are compared and analyzed.The current static error cancellation algorithm of PPC scheme is tested. The results show that the algorithm can effectively eliminate the dq-axis current static error caused by the model parameter deviation.


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