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发布时间:2018-04-16 04:01

  本文选题:永磁同步电机 + 无速度传感器 ; 参考:《北京理工大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:永磁同步电机具有体积小、惯量小、重量轻等优点,在各领域的应用越来越广泛。目前在永磁同步电机的各种控制算法中,使用最多的是矢量控制和直接转矩控制,而这两种控制方式都需要转子位置,但转子位置传感器的采用限制了系统使用范围。当前永磁同步电机无速度传感器控制策略主要分为适用于高速的反电动势估计方法和适用于低速的转子凸极追踪方法。在凸极追踪的各种方法中,高频旋转电压注入法应用较为广泛,通过注入高频旋转电压矢量,对高频电流处理后得到转子估计位置。 本文首先分析了永磁同步电机在不同坐标系下的数学模型,并在MATLAB/Simulink平台进行建模,在研究传统的SVPWM调制方法的基础上,对改进的SVPWM快速实现方法进行分析,并给出其数字实现形式。以搭建的永磁同步电机数学模型为基础,通过MATLAB/Simulink对矢量控制进行仿真,并在实验平台进行矢量控制实验。 根据建立的永磁同步电机数学模型,分析在高频旋转电压注入法下的电流响应,通过对电流的提取分析,研究了基于直接计算法的永磁同步电机初始位置检测,并分析影响转子位置估计精度的因素,根据分析提出采用同步旋转坐标系滤波器对转子初始位置估计方法进行改进。分析低速时矢量控制产生的电流基波分量对高频旋转电压注入法的影响,并研究了采用外差法进行转子位置估计误差的提取方法,并通过构建龙伯格观测器进行转子位置估计。 根据搭建的仿真平台,,对高频旋转电压注入法下永磁同步电机初始位置进行仿真,将传统直接计算法和本文提出的改进的转子初始位置估计方法进行对比实验,验证了所提出的改进方案的有效性和正确性。对低速时高频旋转电压注入时转子位置估计进行仿真,通过外差法提取龙伯格观测器转子位置观测误差,得到最终转子估计位置,验证了低速时所研究方法的有效性和可行性。 最后以FreeScale的DSP56F8346为控制核心,搭建了永磁同步电机无速度传感器矢量控制系统硬件平台,编写软件算法,对理论方案进行实验验证,证明了本文所研究方案的可行性和有效性,系统实现了对转子位置在零速和低速时的估计。
[Abstract]:Permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) has many advantages, such as small size, small inertia and light weight.At present, vector control and direct torque control are widely used in PMSM control algorithms, and both control methods need rotor position, but the rotor position sensor is used to limit the use of the system.The current speed sensorless control strategy of PMSM is mainly divided into high speed backEMF estimation method and low speed rotor salient tracking method.The high frequency rotation voltage injection method is widely used in the salient tracking methods. The rotor position estimation is obtained by injecting the high frequency rotation voltage vector to the high frequency current processing.In this paper, the mathematical models of PMSM in different coordinate systems are analyzed, and the model of PMSM is built on MATLAB/Simulink platform. Based on the research of traditional SVPWM modulation method, the improved SVPWM fast realization method is analyzed.The digital realization form is also given.Based on the mathematical model of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), the vector control is simulated by MATLAB/Simulink, and the vector control experiment is carried out on the experimental platform.According to the established mathematical model of permanent magnet synchronous motor, the current response under the high frequency rotating voltage injection method is analyzed. The detection of the initial position of the permanent magnet synchronous motor based on direct calculation method is studied through the extraction and analysis of the current.Based on the analysis of the factors that affect the accuracy of rotor position estimation, an improved method of rotor initial position estimation is proposed by using synchronous rotating coordinate system filter.This paper analyzes the effect of the current fundamental component generated by vector control on the high frequency rotation voltage injection method, and studies the method of extracting rotor position estimation error by using the heterodyne method. The rotor position estimation is carried out by constructing a Runberg observer.According to the simulation platform, the initial position of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) under high frequency rotating voltage injection method is simulated. The traditional direct calculation method and the improved rotor initial position estimation method proposed in this paper are compared with each other.The validity and correctness of the proposed scheme are verified.The rotor position estimation with high frequency rotation voltage injection at low speed is simulated. The rotor position observation error of the Runberg observer is extracted by the heterodyne method, and the final rotor position estimation is obtained. The validity and feasibility of the proposed method at low speed are verified.Finally, with the DSP56F8346 of FreeScale as the control core, the hardware platform of the speed sensorless vector control system of PMSM is built, the software algorithm is compiled, and the theoretical scheme is verified by experiment, which proves the feasibility and effectiveness of the scheme studied in this paper.The system realizes the estimation of rotor position at zero speed and low speed.


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