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发布时间:2018-04-16 19:39

  本文选题:局部放电 + 超声阵列传感器 ; 参考:《华北电力大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:局部放电的超声阵列检测方法是将阵列传感器与阵列信号处理技术应用于局部放电超声检测中的一种新方法。声学性能良好、维数合理的局部放电超声阵列传感器是检测技术的基础和关键。目前,关于局部放电超声阵列传感器的声学性能研究主要以定性分析为主,尚未开展系统、科学的定量研究。 论文在国家自然科学基金(51307060)“局部放电超声阵列信号的提取策略研究”、河北省自然科学基金项目(2010001703)“基于超声阵列传感器的电力变压器局部放电在线定位研究”和中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(09MG09)“基于超声相控阵的大型变压器局部放电定位研究”的资助下,重点开展了局部放电超声阵列传感器的声学性能评价及其稀疏设计的研究,主要内容如下: 研制了适用于局部放电检测的平面方形与圆环形超声阵列传感器,并开发了相应的局部放电定位系统。首先,研究了传感器阵元的材料、中心频率、厚度以及半径等参数,并设计了单个超声阵列传感器阵元与方形、圆环形局部放电超声阵列传感器装配体;接着,制作了局部放电超声阵列传感器,并搭建了阵列传感器测试平台,对其进行了灵敏度测试,测试结果表明所研制的局部放电超声阵列传感器的频响特性与一致性良好;然后,开发了一套完整的局部放电超声阵列定位系统,包括超声阵列传感器、便携式局部放电检测系统与阵列定位软件系统,为后续研究奠定了基础。 研究了一套局部放电超声阵列定位方法。分别采用FastICA(Fast Independent Component Analysis)算法、TLS(Total Least Square)算法、改进FastDOA(Fast Direction of Arrival)算法和测向线最小切球球心原理实现了局部放电超声阵列信号的去噪、聚焦、测向以及准确定位,并对其进行了仿真和实验研究,其结果验证了所提局部放电超声阵列定位方法的有效性和优越性。 研究了一种局部放电超声阵列传感器的声学性能定量评价方法。针对方形和圆环形局部放电超声阵列传感器,利用惠更斯原理分别推导了其指向性函数,并定性分析了三维指向性图,论证了声学性能定量评价的必要性;然后,选择定向准确度和最大旁瓣幅值为评价指标,建立了局部放电超声阵列传感器声学性能的量化评价模型,实现了阵列传感器声学性能的定量评价;通过仿真和实验研究,得到阵列传感器的声学性能与阵列结构和阵元个数之间的变化规律,验证了所提声学性能定量评价方法的正确性。 研究了一种声学性能评价与智能优化搜索相结合的局部放电超声阵列传感器稀疏设计方法。以9元、36元方形与圆环形局部放电超声阵列传感器为例,推导了考虑稀疏分布情况下,阵列传感器的指向性函数,并利用该函数,以声学性能评价值最优为目标,采用Chaotic Monkey优化算法搜索获得不同稀疏度下,阵列传感器的最优稀疏分布结构。通过仿真与实验研究发现:稀疏度一定时,最优稀疏结构下的圆环形局部放电超声阵列传感器的声学性能均优于方形阵列;阵元个数相同时,满秩圆环形阵列的声学性能最优。
[Abstract]:The ultrasonic array detection method of partial discharge is a new method of sensor array and array signal processing technology used in partial discharge ultrasonic detection. Good acoustic performance, partial discharge ultrasonic sensor array dimension reasonable is the key and foundation detection technology. At present, the research on the acoustic performance of partial discharge ultrasonic sensor array mainly qualitative the analysis mainly has not carried out systematic, scientific and quantitative research.
Based on the National Natural Science Foundation (51307060) "research" array signal of partial discharge ultrasonic extraction strategy, Hebei Province Natural Science Fund Project (2010001703) "research" online location of partial discharge in power transformer ultrasonic sensor array and the Central University based research funds based on the project "(09MG09) based on partial discharge location" large transformer of ultrasonic phased funding, focusing on the research and design of the performance evaluation of sparse acoustic array sensor for partial discharge ultrasound, the main contents are as follows:
For partial discharge detection plane square and circular ultrasonic array sensor is developed, and the development of PD location system. Firstly, the study on materials, sensors of the center frequency, thickness and radius parameters, and the design of the single ultrasonic sensor array element with the square, circular array of local sensor assembly discharge ultrasonic body; then, making the array sensor for partial discharge ultrasonic sensor array and built test platform, has carried on the sensitivity test, the test results of frequency response characteristic of ultrasonic array sensor for partial discharge that developed with good consistency; then, the development of a complete set of partial discharge ultrasonic array location system. Including the ultrasonic sensor array, portable partial discharge detection system and array positioning system, laid the foundation for further study.
Study on a set of partial discharge ultrasonic array location method. Using FastICA (Fast Independent Component Analysis) algorithm, TLS (Total Least Square) algorithm, the improved FastDOA (Fast Direction of Arrival) focusing algorithm and direction finding principle of center line of minimum sphere PD ultrasonic array signal denoising, and accurate positioning, direction finding, and has carried on the simulation and experiments, the results verify the validity and superiority of the proposed array location method of partial discharge ultrasound.
Study on the acoustic performance of a quantitative evaluation method for ultrasonic array sensor for partial discharge. For square and circular partial discharge ultrasonic sensor array, using the Huygens principle derived the directivity function, and the qualitative analysis of the three-dimensional directivity diagram, and demonstrates the necessity of quantitative evaluation of the acoustic performance; then, directional selection accuracy and the maximum side lobe amplitude as the evaluation index, a quantitative evaluation of the partial discharge ultrasonic sensor array acoustic performance model, quantitative evaluation of the performance of the acoustic sensor array; through simulation and experiment, the change law between the performance and the acoustic sensor array array structure and array number, to verify the correctness of the proposed acoustic performance the quantitative evaluation method.
A study on acoustic performance evaluation and intelligent optimization search combining partial discharge ultrasonic sensor array sparse design method. By 9 yuan, 36 yuan a square and circular partial discharge ultrasonic sensor array as an example, considering the sparse distribution, refers to the sensor array function, and this function is used in acoustics the performance evaluation of the optimal value as the goal, using the Chaotic Monkey search algorithm to obtain different sparsity, the optimal sparse distribution structure of sensor array. Through simulation and experimental studies have found that: when the sparsity, the acoustic performance of the optimal sparse structure of the circular array sensor for partial discharge ultrasound was better than the square array; the number of array elements. At the same time, the acoustic performance of optimum full rank circular array.



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