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发布时间:2018-04-17 20:43

  本文选题:安全评估 + 事故预警 ; 参考:《华北电力大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Strengthening the intelligent level of power grid monitoring can effectively prevent the occurrence of large-scale power outages, which is an important Ren Wuzhi in the construction of "strong smart grid" at present.In this paper, taking the southern Hebei power grid as the object, the online security assessment method of the system is studied, and the preventive and control measures for the possible thermal stability of the transmission line are given, and the operational risk assessment and early warning system of the power system are developed.The application of the system will help to strengthen the monitoring of power grid operation, and then prevent and avoid the occurrence of power outages.Based on the statistical analysis of the real-time operation state of each component in power system, the evaluation method of system operation risk in on-line maintenance mode is studied, aiming at the problem of on-line maintenance evaluation of large-scale interconnected power network.Based on the analysis of power transmission relationship and considering the topology and operation state of the system, the power medium index is proposed to identify the key circuits and nodes of the system.Based on the statistical analysis of the real-time operation data of Hebei South Network, the key lines and nodes of Hebei South Network Security Monitoring are determined, and the results of statistical analysis under the online maintenance mode are given.Aiming at the thermal stability of the system, an optimization method of preventive control based on sensitivity analysis is proposed.This method takes into account the problem of local thermal stability and the overall operation level of the power network. According to the sensitivity analysis, the power flow entropy and the power level of the nodes themselves, a comprehensive index of node power adjustment is proposed.Furthermore, the power adjustment node set and the power balance node set are determined, and the thermal stability problem of the transmission line is effectively eliminated by adjusting the node power in multiple rounds.The effectiveness of this method is verified by the practical application results in Hebei South Network.The operational risk assessment and accident warning system of Hebei Southern Network are studied and developed.The overall requirement of the system is analyzed and the architecture of the system is designed. The process of the system implementation, the data flow and the functions of each module are introduced, and the development and deployment of the whole system are described in detail.The system can obtain data from D5000 system, and make use of on-line power flow calculation results, statistics and analysis of various operating indicators of the system, from the point of view of the steady operation of the power network, the system can obtain data from D5000 system.The operation risk assessment and accident warning of Hebei South Network are realized.


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