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发布时间:2018-04-18 05:03

  本文选题:电压互感器 + 光纤 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:同世界上大部分国家一样,我国的铁路发展趋势是电气化和大功率化。电力机车的保有量与占有比例逐年提高,随之而来的是电力机车运行中暴露出的各种问题。高压电压互感器是电力机车上重要的高压电气设备,实现牵引网电压的监测、电能计量和保护控制等功能。当前电力机车基本使用传统的电磁式电压互感器,但受传感机理的限制,传统电压互感器具有动态范围小、容易产生铁磁谐振和输出不能短路等缺点,且在机车车顶长期处在多变环境下使用时,由于油浸式结构和谐振过电压的原因,可能烧损、开裂甚至爆炸。这已成为电力机车安全运行的一个隐患,亟需新的检测方法来替代传统方式。 基于现状,本文对故障概率最高的电力机车过电分相电压互感器绝缘损坏的过程进行了分析研究,有针对性的提出了一种新检测方法。有别于传统的电磁感应原理,该方法使用不含铁芯的电容分压,可有效抑制过电分相时的过电压,,大大提高绝缘可靠性。电容分压器采用同轴结构,本文研究了材料结构对绝缘强度和准确度的影响,给出了设计原则。在高压电路供能方面,本文提出了一种全新的气动供能方式,并进行了相关的实验研究,该方式具有安全可靠、电气隔离等突出优点。本文研究的电力机车用电压互感器用光纤传递信号,结合气动供能,实现了高低压侧完全的电隔离,保证了车载设备和工作人员的安全。试验结果显示,设计性能优良,可满足电力机车需求,相较于传统互感器,在体积、绝缘、安全、准确度方面均有明显优势。
[Abstract]:Like most countries in the world, the trend of railway development in China is electrification and high power.The quantity and proportion of electric locomotives are increasing year by year, with the problems exposed in the operation of electric locomotives.High voltage transformer (HV) is an important high voltage electrical equipment on electric locomotives, which realizes the functions of voltage monitoring, electric energy metering and protection control of traction network.At present, the traditional electromagnetic voltage transformer is basically used in electric locomotives, but limited by the sensing mechanism, the traditional voltage transformer has the disadvantages of small dynamic range, easy to produce ferromagnetic resonance and output can not be short-circuited, etc.When the locomotive roof is in changeable environment for a long time, it may burn, crack or even explode because of the oil immersion structure and resonance overvoltage.This has become a hidden trouble in the safe operation of electric locomotives, and a new detection method is urgently needed to replace the traditional methods.Based on the present situation, this paper analyzes and studies the process of insulation damage of over-voltage transformer of electric locomotive with the highest failure probability, and puts forward a new detection method.Different from the traditional electromagnetic induction principle, this method uses capacitance voltage without iron core, which can effectively suppress the over-voltage of the over-electric phase separation and greatly improve the reliability of insulation.The capacitance divider adopts coaxial structure. In this paper, the influence of material structure on insulation strength and accuracy is studied, and the design principles are given.In the aspect of high-voltage circuit energy supply, this paper presents a new pneumatic energy supply mode, and carries on the related experiment research, this way has the outstanding advantages such as safety and reliability, electrical isolation and so on.The optical fiber transmission signal for electric locomotive voltage transformer studied in this paper, combined with pneumatic energy supply, realizes complete electrical isolation on the high and low voltage side, and ensures the safety of onboard equipment and staff.The test results show that the design has good performance and can meet the needs of electric locomotives. Compared with the traditional transformer, it has obvious advantages in volume, insulation, safety and accuracy.


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