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发布时间:2018-04-19 17:35

  本文选题:300MW机组 + 脱硫系统 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since 2003, China has made great achievements in environmental protection work, but the energy structure of our country is mainly coal, and the energy consumption is increasing with the development of national economy, which leads to the high emission of atmospheric pollutants.Therefore, the 12th Five-Year Plan of National Environmental Protection proposed that the total emission of sulfur dioxide, a major pollutant, should be reduced by 8%, and the comprehensive desulfurization efficiency of coal-fired power plants should be raised to more than 93%.On the other hand, China is not rich in all kinds of energy reserves. In fact, the per capita remaining recoverable reserves of oil and natural gas are less than 10 percent of the world average, and the proportion of coal is more, but the per capita remaining recoverable reserves are still not up to the world average.In order to save energy, the state began to put forward the policy of energy conservation development in the 1980s, and began to formulate laws and regulations on energy conservation. After 2000, the new Energy Saving Law made "energy conservation" the basic national policy of our country.Energy-saving work has become the whole of China must participate in the matter.Environmental protection and energy conservation are basic state policies, but in the process of development, there are often contradictions. Increasing desulfurization efficiency will easily bring about an increase in energy consumption at the same time, which violates the general direction of national energy conservation control and increases the production costs of power generation enterprises.It brings great pressure to power generation enterprises.Therefore, to meet the national emission reduction requirements, we must consider energy conservation optimization research, and strive to use the most energy-saving way to improve environmental protection and operation.This paper takes the desulfurization system of 300MW unit in a power plant as the research object, analyzes the composition of the system, analyzes the main factors affecting the energy consumption and desulfurization efficiency of the system, and studies the ways to save energy and improve the desulfurization efficiency.According to the requirements of national environmental protection, the improvement of desulphurization efficiency was carried out to improve the efficiency and the coordinated optimization of energy saving was carried out, and the optimized operation of energy saving was carried out after the revamping.The following results are obtained: 1) by means of energy saving cooperative optimization research before improving the efficiency, the transformation scheme which can guarantee the environmental protection and save energy is selected.After the transformation was carried out, an authoritative third party performance test was commissioned. The results show that when the load is higher than the design full load value 10, the inlet SO2 concentration is higher than the design value 32 and the limestone consumption is the same.The desulphurization efficiency is still 95.455.The desulfurization efficiency is 4.45% higher than the designed 91% desulphurization efficiency, and it is also higher than the government's "12th Five-Year Plan" plan (93.f2) after the completion of the efficiency improvement project, the energy saving optimization operation of the desulfurization system and the implementation of the suspended partial slurry circulating pump have been carried out.Outage GGH low-leakage fan, and stop-off demister washing pump scheme.The data show that the maximum energy saving power can be 2783168.25kW per year after optimized operation. If calculated according to the electricity price of 0.47 yuan / kilowatt hour per kilowatt-hour, the enterprise cost can be saved about 1308089 yuan per year at most.


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