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发布时间:2018-04-20 09:33

  本文选题:三相三线制 + VIENNA ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在科学技术日益发达的现代社会,作为最早的变电装置——整流器越来越广泛地应用在社会生产的各行各业中,但是这些整流装置会造成电网电压的质量降低和电能利用率下降等问题。在提倡节能减排的今天,治理电网污染的课题得到了人们广泛的研究。基于PWM控制的整流器具有输入电流正弦化、电流谐波含量小和处于单位功率因数状态运行等特点,因此它作为电力电子装置的功率因数校正单元得到了广泛的应用。三相三线制VIENNA整流器是三电平整流装置,相比传统的三相半桥两电平整流器,它具有全控开关数量少、无需考虑死区时间和应用场合更广等特点。 三相三线制VIENNA整流器是一个强耦合、非线性系统。因为三电平整流器的电位状态组合比两电平整流器更多,所以基于SVPWM的控制系统更复杂。论文主要是对一种数字控制的三相三线制VIENNA整流器的研究和工程设计,主要工作如下: 第一,论文首先介绍了三相整流器和三电平整流器的研究进程,分别在单相和三相电路拓扑下分析了VIENNA整流器的工作原理,提出了等效三逻辑值单开关概念。在对工作原理和坐标变换矩阵分析基础上,分别建立了三相静止坐标系和两相同步旋转坐标系下三相VIENNA整流器的数学模型,,得到了数学模型的矩阵方程组。 第二,根据建模所得矩阵方程组,设计了三相三线制VIENNA整流器的控制系统,电压外环和电流内环采用双环PI控制策略;其中电流内环用到前馈解耦策略。按典型系统设计整定双环PI参数,给出PI参数的参考公式。 第三,介绍了三相三线制VIENNA整流器的空间矢量调制方式,分析了三种方式下整流的空间矢量调制原理;提出了一种基于空间矢量调制方式的中点电位平衡控制策略;给定实验参数,计算选择硬件系统元件参数和,计控制电路,分析了软件系统的各流程图。 最后,在MATLAB平台上仿真系统,搭建实验装置,给出实验结果。
[Abstract]:In the modern society where science and technology are increasingly developed, as the earliest transformers, rectifiers are more and more widely used in various industries of social production. However, these rectifier devices will lead to the reduction of voltage quality and power utilization ratio. Today, energy conservation and emission reduction are advocated, the problem of grid pollution control has been widely studied. The rectifier based on PWM has the characteristics of sinusoidal input current, low current harmonic content and running in unit power factor state, so it has been widely used as power factor correction unit in power electronic devices. Three-phase three-wire VIENNA rectifier is a three-level rectifier. Compared with the traditional three-phase half-bridge two-level rectifier, it has fewer full-control switches and no need to consider the dead-time and wider applications. Three-phase three-wire VIENNA rectifier is a strongly coupled, nonlinear system. Because the potential state combination of three-level rectifier is more than that of two-level rectifier, the control system based on SVPWM is more complex. This paper mainly focuses on the research and engineering design of a digitally controlled three-phase three-wire VIENNA rectifier. The main work is as follows: Firstly, the paper introduces the research progress of three-phase rectifier and three-level rectifier, analyzes the working principle of VIENNA rectifier under the topology of single-phase and three-phase circuit, and puts forward the concept of equivalent three-logic value single-switch. Based on the analysis of the working principle and the coordinate transformation matrix, the mathematical models of the three-phase VIENNA rectifier in the three-phase stationary coordinate system and the two-phase synchronous rotating coordinate system are established, and the matrix equations of the mathematical model are obtained. Secondly, according to the matrix equations, the control system of three-phase three-wire VIENNA rectifier is designed. The voltage outer loop and current inner loop adopt double loop Pi control strategy, and the current inner loop uses feedforward decoupling strategy. According to the design of typical system, the Pi parameter of double loop is adjusted, and the reference formula of Pi parameter is given. Thirdly, the space vector modulation method of three-phase three-wire VIENNA rectifier is introduced, the principle of space vector modulation of rectifier under three modes is analyzed, and a midpoint potential balance control strategy based on space vector modulation is proposed. Given the experimental parameters, the parameters of the hardware system and the control circuit are calculated and the flow charts of the software system are analyzed. Finally, the simulation system is built on MATLAB platform, and the experimental results are given.


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