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发布时间:2018-04-20 23:38

  本文选题:配电网 + 供电可靠性 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:配电系统直接面向用户,是保证供电质量的关键环节。配电网运行是影响用户供电可靠性的主要环节,绝大部分电力用户停电都是由于配电系统造成的,因此提高配电网的供电可靠性是一项很重要的工作。 论文首先介绍了课题的研究背景、研究现状、用户供电可靠性的评估方法、主要指标等内容。以厦门岛配电网为研究对象,围绕供电可靠性现状评估、可靠性主要影响因素、可靠性提升措施的建模测算、可靠性提升措施的成本-效益综合优选等问题开展全方位的研究。 供电可靠性的提升意义重大,论文在可靠性提升措施的方面做了较深入的研究。详细总结了提高用户供电可靠性的各种规划、设备、技术和管理措施,从网架完善、设备选型、新技术手段、管理措施等方面提出了量化评估每项措施的可靠性改善成效的模型和方法,,并提出了各项提升措施的投资成本分析方法。 对于可靠性提升措施的优选方案,论文定义了可靠性提升措施的“单位投资停电时户数下降率”指标,将各项措施的该项指标值进行排序。针对最后确定实施的可靠性提升措施集合,可以进一步综合评价其实施后对供电可靠性指标的影响,并确定最终投资规模。 论文基于厦门配电网的历史数据,总结了厦门配电网的基本概况和供电可靠性现状,针对厦门岛配网的薄弱环节提出了可靠性提升的措施,并分析了各项措施的成本效益测算方法,提出了厦门岛配电网可靠性提升措施的优选方案。论文的研究为系统地开展供电区域的可靠性评估和可靠性提升措施规划提供了科学的研究思路和方法体系,对规范和提高供电企业可靠性管理水平具有良好的推动作用。
[Abstract]:Distribution system is directly oriented to users, is the key to ensure the quality of power supply. Distribution network operation is the main link that affects the reliability of power supply. Most of the power users' power outages are caused by the distribution system, so it is very important to improve the power supply reliability of distribution network. Firstly, this paper introduces the research background, research status, evaluation method of power supply reliability and main indexes. Taking Xiamen Island distribution network as the research object, this paper focuses on the evaluation of power supply reliability, the main influencing factors of reliability, the modeling and calculation of reliability promotion measures, the cost-benefit comprehensive optimization of reliability promotion measures and so on. The improvement of power supply reliability is of great significance. This paper summarizes in detail various planning, equipment, technology and management measures to improve the reliability of power supply to users, from the aspects of network structure perfection, equipment selection, new technical means, Management measures and other aspects of the quantitative evaluation of the reliability of each measure to improve the effectiveness of the model and methods, and put forward the various measures of the investment cost analysis method. For the optimal selection of reliability promotion measures, this paper defines the index of "the decrease rate of the number of households when the unit investment goes out of power", and sorts the index value of each measure. According to the set of measures to improve the reliability of the final implementation, we can further evaluate the impact on the reliability index of power supply after its implementation, and determine the final investment scale. Based on the historical data of Xiamen distribution network, this paper summarizes the basic situation of Xiamen distribution network and the current situation of power supply reliability, and puts forward some measures to improve the reliability of Xiamen distribution network. The cost-benefit calculation method of each measure is analyzed, and the optimal selection scheme of reliability promotion measures for Xiamen Island distribution network is put forward. The research in this paper provides a scientific research thought and method system for the systematic development of reliability evaluation and reliability promotion measures planning in power supply areas, and has a good impetus to standardize and improve the reliability management level of power supply enterprises.


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