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发布时间:2018-04-22 21:02

  本文选题:特高压 + 子导线 ; 参考:《中国电力》2014年10期

【摘要】:降低分裂导线表面和周围场强,可以减小特高输电线下方电场对生态环境的危害。首先选取有限元法建立模型,计算架空输电线表面和周围场强;其次通过有限元法,计算子导线异型排列下的最大相导线表面平均场强、线下距地1 m处的最大场强和走廊宽度;最后对比分析数据,得出子导线椭圆长轴水平排列优于子导线圆形排列的结论。此仿真结果表明:倒三角架空线路八分裂子导线按水平椭圆排列可降低最大相导线表面平均场强、线下距地1 m处的最大场强和走廊宽度。研究结果若应用于架空输电线路中,可减小电晕损耗、无线电干扰水平和可听噪声,同时杆塔高度也可适当降低。
[Abstract]:Reducing the surface and surrounding field strength of the split conductor can reduce the harm of the electric field under the super high transmission line to the ecological environment. Firstly, the finite element method is selected to establish a model to calculate the surface and surrounding field strength of overhead transmission lines, and then the average field strength of the maximum phase conductor surface under the abnormal arrangement of sub-conductors is calculated by the finite element method. The maximum field strength and corridor width at 1 m below the line are compared and analyzed, and the conclusion is drawn that the horizontal arrangement of elliptical long axis of sub-conductor is better than that of circular arrangement of sub-conductor. The simulation results show that the average field strength on the surface of the maximum phase conductor and the maximum field intensity and corridor width at 1 m below the line can be reduced by the arrangement of the eight splitting sub-conductors of the inverted triangular overhead line according to the horizontal ellipse. If it is applied to overhead transmission lines, the corona loss, radio interference level and audible noise can be reduced, and the tower height can be reduced.
【作者单位】: 山西大学;


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