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发布时间:2018-04-26 00:06

  本文选题:高升压比 + 耦合电感 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:现代工业很多时候都需要用到升压变换器。传统BOOST变换器,由于极限占空比的限制往往只适合应用在升压不超过5倍的场合,所以在需要得到高升压的情况下,就要求人们另觅途径。人们在高增益DC-DC变换器方向的研究满足了诸如汽车前大灯、光伏系统以及蓄电池等工业应用需求。本课题针对工业领域对于高升压比变换器的需求,拟设计一种适合二级光伏系统的高增益DC-DC变换器。 本文全面调研了高升压比DC-DC变换器的国内外发展现状,详细地分析了多个工作拓扑的利弊,并对基于耦合电感技术的几种高升压拓扑进行了量化对比,最终选择耦合电感电容倍压BOOST拓扑作为本文的研究重点。在分析了漏感对变换器的影响之后,,确定了拓扑的基本参数,并进行了基于Saber的开环仿真验证;利用tdsa模块扫频得到了主拓扑开环传递函数bode图,并用双零点双极点补偿网络进行了电压闭环;最后在耦合电感电容倍压BOOST变换器的基础上进行了拓展研究,得到了交错并联结构的耦合电感电容倍压BOOST变换器,并进行了开环仿真,验证了方案可行性。 本文经过仿真和实验,验证了耦合电感电容倍压BOOST变换器的可行性。实验结果证明其具有良好的升压能力,在负载切换过程中体现了较快的动态响应能力,能够快速平稳地输出目标电压。变换器在输出功率为100W到500W之间效率均在92%以上且在300W以上时效率能达到95%,其中在300W左右时效率最大为96.8%。
[Abstract]:Booster converters are often used in modern industry. In traditional BOOST converters, because the limit of duty cycle is only suitable for applications where the boost voltage is not more than 5 times, people need to find another way to obtain high boost voltage. The research on the direction of high gain DC-DC converters meets the needs of industrial applications such as automotive headlamps, photovoltaic systems and batteries. In order to meet the demand of high boost ratio converter in industry field, a high gain DC-DC converter suitable for two stage photovoltaic system is designed in this paper. In this paper, the development status of DC-DC converter with high boost ratio is investigated, the advantages and disadvantages of several working topologies are analyzed in detail, and several high boost topologies based on coupled inductance technology are compared quantitatively. Finally, the coupling inductance capacitor voltage doubling BOOST topology is chosen as the focus of this paper. After analyzing the influence of leakage inductance on the converter, the basic parameters of topology are determined, and the open-loop simulation based on Saber is carried out, and the bode diagram of the main topology open-loop transfer function is obtained by sweeping the frequency of the tdsa module. The voltage close-loop is carried out by using double-zero bipolar compensation network. Finally, based on the study of the coupled inductance capacitor double voltage BOOST converter, the coupled inductance capacitor double voltage BOOST converter with staggered parallel structure is obtained. The open loop simulation is carried out to verify the feasibility of the scheme. The feasibility of coupled inductance capacitor double voltage BOOST converter is verified by simulation and experiment. The experimental results show that it has a good boost capacity, and it has a fast dynamic response ability in the process of load switching, and it can output the target voltage quickly and smoothly. The efficiency of the converter is above 92% between 100W and 500W and can reach 95W when the output power is above 300W, and the maximum efficiency is 96.8W at 300W or so.


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