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发布时间:2018-04-26 21:40

  本文选题:继电保护 + 信息管理 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In power system, relay protection information management system is a system which integrates computer network technology and automatic control technology. This kind of information management system is the inevitable product of electric power system adapting to the development of the new era of network. The application of relay protection information management system in power supply companies is more flexible, more adaptable, easier to operate and more powerful. The relay protection device is an important part of the secondary part of the power system, which plays an important role in the safety, stability and operation economy of the system. The management of relay protection information in power system of our country is basically accomplished by manpower. With the development of science and technology, some power plants use computer software to assist the work. However, there are still some problems in practicability and flexibility, which can not be popularized. Therefore, how to improve the management of relay protection information in power system and meet the safety of power system operation is of great significance to the development of power system in China. Starting from the actual situation of substation, this paper first analyzes and studies the present situation of relay protection information management system at home and abroad, and points out the shortcomings of the current relay protection information management system: poor integration. Subsystem independence, lack of integration, inaccurate evaluation, maintenance difficulties, etc. Then, according to the actual situation of relaying protection information management system in Yongan Power supply Company, a set of relaying protection information management system suitable for Yongan Power supply Company is developed by using MVC frame JSP technology and SQLServer2005 database. It can effectively use the automatic dispatching system to establish the relationship between the relay protection information system and SCADA system of Yongan Power supply Company. And through the company's existing local area network to achieve the transmission of data, the development of a small cost, large returns of relay protection information management system. The function modules of the system are designed, including: graphic operation, fixed value management, equipment account, check record, action record, drawing information, equipment defect record and fault analysis module. Finally, each module is designed to realize the function of each module. Finally, this paper summarizes the content of the study, and the next stage of the work plan. The relay protection information management system of Yongan Power supply Company can link the daily management and work content of relay protection, and realize the advantages of automation, easy modification, maintenance and expansion of relay protection information management. It lays a certain foundation for the improvement of the whole management level and the maximization of economic benefit of the power supply company. This paper mainly completed the basic research work, and got a lot of valuable experience in this research practice. From the point of view of solving practical problems, this paper presents a standardized and standardized design for the access specification, consistency and preprocessing of relay protection information. According to the actual situation of the relaying protection information management system of Yongan Power supply Company, this paper puts forward a feasible relaying protection information management system, and analyzes the security and stability of the management system in detail. Focusing on the key points, formulating a perfect solution, using computer technology and communication technology to improve the manual processing mode of the relay protection information management system in Yongan Power supply Company, and realizing an automatic and intelligent management model. Therefore, the research of this paper has certain research significance and market application prospect.


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