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发布时间:2018-04-27 08:43

  本文选题:家用豆浆机 + 易清洗性能 ; 参考:《济南大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Household soybean milk machine occupies a large proportion in small kitchen appliances, very suitable for home use. The soya milk adhesiveness is strong, if the soya bean milk machine is not cleaned in time after the use, it will cause the bean dregs to metamorphose and moldy, which will affect the health of the users. The purpose of this paper is to improve the easy cleaning performance of domestic soybean milk machine. Through the analysis of the structure of the domestic soybean milk machine and the optimization of the pulping flow field, the influence law between the structure parameters and the performance parameters of the soybean milk machine is studied. The design scheme of a new type of soya bean milk machine with scrambling structure is presented. The soya bean milk machine has good performance of easy cleaning and pulping, which provides a new idea for the design of soybean milk machine. Based on the feasibility analysis of the automatic cleaning function of the domestic soya milk machine, the main structural factors affecting the easy cleaning performance of the soya bean milk machine were found, and the numerical simulation and orthogonal test method were used. The influence of the structural parameters and pulping performance of the soya bean milk machine with the grid hole net cover on the pulping performance is obtained, which provides the basis for the design of the easy cleaning structure of the soybean milk machine. The home soybean milk machine with folding plate net cover is designed. The folding plate net cover has three equally distributed angle folded plates. The open design improves the easy cleaning performance of soybean milk machine. By using the knowledge of computational fluid dynamics, the flow field of the soybean milk machine was simulated and analyzed, and the design parameters of the function combination structure of the soybean milk machine with the folding plate net cover were optimized, and the good pulping performance of the soybean milk machine was ensured at the same time. The purpose of the soya bean milk machine with good easy cleaning performance has been realized. The grinding effect and pulping performance of soybean milk machine with folding plate mesh cover were tested by sieving method. The results were compared with those of soybean milk machine with beam-net cover under the same environment and material. The pulping effect of soybean milk machine with folding plate net cover was verified.


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