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发布时间:2018-04-27 21:40

  本文选题:非接触 + 感应耦合式电能传输 ; 参考:《哈尔滨理工大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of power electronics technology, non-contact electric energy and signal transmission technology has become a research hotspot in underground equipment detection and control, human implanted equipment charging and data transmission. The contactless power and signal transmission technology can realize the data transmission while completing the electric power transmission, and can overcome the shortcomings of the traditional wired power supply such as electric spark. Based on the electromagnetic induction technology, this paper designs an induction coupled power and signal transmission system with high spatial efficiency. The system structure is composed of power supply, electromagnetic coupling, load and peripheral circuit. The design of power supply includes: the comparison and design of full-bridge inverter circuit and single-bridge half-bridge inverter circuit the design of signal generation circuit the selection and design of hollow coil the design of signal modulation circuit and so on. The design of electromagnetic coupling structure includes the selection of magnetic core, winding mode of coil and transmission distance, the design of load end includes the design of rectifier bridge circuit of electric energy and multistage voltage stabilizing circuit, the demodulation circuit of signal, The design of detection circuit and comparison circuit. According to the design, the system is debugged and the experimental data are recorded. The relationship between transmission power and electromagnetic coupling coil diameter, coil inductance, transmission distance and frequency is explained by experimental data. Inductively coupled electric energy and signal transmission system has a wide development space in some special fields. It can accomplish tasks that can not be accomplished by traditional electricity and data transmission function at the same time. It has the advantages of saving cost and utilizing large space. Therefore, the research of inductively coupled power and signal transmission technology has important practical significance and broad application prospects.


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