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发布时间:2018-04-28 15:25

  本文选题:城市配电网 + 静态重构 ; 参考:《武汉大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:配电网重构和故障恢复通过改变配电网中分段开关和联络开关的开/合状态来改变配电网的运行状况,以减少负荷损失,提高运行的经济性,是配电网优化的有效手段。与仅含馈线的小型配电网相比,包含多个电压等级以及配电变压器和馈线的城市配电网的优化潜力更大,配电变压器等元件的备用容量更大,配电网故障后能够恢复的负荷更多,因此有必要研究城市配电网的重构与故障恢复问题。 针对城市配电网元件数量多、可行解解集大的特点,提出了一种采用图解蚂蚁系统算法求解城市配电网重构与故障恢复问题的方法。求解过程分为离线和在线两个阶段。离线阶段对配电网进行拓扑分析,用构造图表示可行解解集。故障恢复问题的构造图由重构问题的构造图经过简单的修改得到。不同元件发生故障时,采用不同方法修改重构问题构造图。在线阶段通过模拟蚁群在构造图中的旅行过程进行搜索寻优。 构造图仅与配电网的拓扑结构有关,与配电网的负荷状态无关,因此配电网的拓扑结构一旦确定,即可建立构造图。重构和故障恢复问题的求解与配电网的负荷状态有关。求解重构和故障恢复问题时无需重新建立构造图,仅执行在线阶段即可。 提出了一种新的拓扑分析方法。在离线阶段,该方法利用馈线上的每个节点必须找到唯一电源向其供电的特点完成拓扑分析,形成不含冗余的重构问题可行解解集,用构造图表示,从而方便在线阶段用图解蚂蚁系统算法完成搜索寻优。构造图在计算机中以链表形式存储,使搜索寻优过程无需进行复杂计算。 与传统方法不同,由于本文方法拓扑分析结果中包含馈线上不同电源(即配电变压器低压母线)信息,因此通过简单修改重构问题构造图,即可得到故障恢复问题构造图,也就是故障恢复问题的拓扑结构可行解解集。根据故障元件的不同,本文提出了两种修改重构问题构造图的方法,包括限制路径方法和增加附加构造图方法,可以处理包括馈线、配电变压器等不同种类元件、多重故障情况下的故障恢复问题。 配电网动态重构中需要同时求解各时段的拓扑结构及时段长度,二者之间的耦合关系非常复杂。为了避免二者的不当解耦,在城市配电网静态重构问题构造图的基础上,加入表示时段长度的部分,形成城市配电网动态重构问题构造图。由于每个时段的拓扑结构可行解解集是相同的,因此该方法避免了反复进行拓扑分析。针对城市配电网动态重构问题解集规模大、难以求解的特点,提出了一种缩小搜索范围的方法。该方法将相邻时段的拓扑结构互换,并相互比较,进而在不大幅增加开关操作次数的前提下得到更优解。利用该方法,搜索范围由可行解解集转换为较优解解集,从而减少了计算量,提高了优化质量。 修改了传统蚁群算法中的选边规则和信息素更新规则,将参数α由大于1的恒定值修改为随迭代次数按指数增加的变化值,并忽略参数β、η和ρ,使迭代前期进行随机搜索,迭代后期进行重点搜索,从而使算法适用于城市配电网的重构和故障恢复问题等大规模离散变量优化问题的求解,避免算法陷入局部最优。 以一个实际的城市配电网作为研究对象,分别进行静态重构问题、动态重构问题以及不同元件的多重故障恢复问题的仿真计算。计算结果表明,本文方法可以有效降低城市配电网的网损,减少负荷损失,优化配电网的运行状况。
[Abstract]:The distribution network reconfiguration and fault recovery changes the operating conditions of the distribution network by changing the open / close state of the segment switch and the contact switch in the distribution network , so as to reduce the load loss , improve the economy of operation , and is an effective means for optimizing the distribution network .

This paper presents a method for solving the problem of reconfiguration and fault restoration of urban distribution network by using the illustrated ant system algorithm for the large number of urban distribution network elements . The solving process is divided into two stages : off - line and on - line .

The structural diagram is only related to the topological structure of the distribution network , which is independent of the load state of the distribution network , so the topological structure of the distribution network can be established once the topological structure of the distribution network is determined .

This paper presents a new topology analysis method . In the off - line phase , the method makes use of each node on the feeder to complete the topology analysis of the characteristics of its power supply to form a feasible solution set with no redundancy .

Different from the traditional method , because of the information of different power supply ( i.e . , low voltage busbar of distribution transformer ) on the feeder line in the topological analysis result of the method , the fault recovery problem structure diagram can be obtained by simply modifying the reconstruction problem structure diagram . According to the difference of the fault elements , two methods of modifying the reconstruction problem structure diagram are put forward , including the limitation of the path method and the addition of the additional structure diagram method , which can deal with the problem of fault recovery under the condition of multiple faults , such as feeders , distribution transformers and the like .

In order to avoid the improper decoupling of the two , it is difficult to solve the problem of dynamic reconfiguration of urban distribution network .

The selection rule and pheromone updating rule in the traditional ant colony algorithm are modified , and the parameter 伪 is modified by a constant value greater than 1 as the change value which is increased exponentially with the number of iterations , and the parameter 尾 , 畏 and 蟻 are ignored , so that the iterative early stage is subjected to random search and the later stage of iteration is focused search , so that the algorithm is suitable for solving the optimization problem of large - scale discrete variables such as reconstruction of the urban distribution network and fault restoration , and the algorithm is avoided into local optimal .

Taking an actual urban distribution network as the research object , the static reconstruction problem , the dynamic reconfiguration problem and the simulation calculation of multiple fault recovery problems of different elements are carried out respectively . The calculation results show that the method can effectively reduce the network loss of the urban distribution network , reduce the load loss and optimize the operating conditions of the distribution network .



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