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发布时间:2018-04-29 03:29

  本文选题:形状记忆合金 + 压电陶瓷 ; 参考:《中北大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在当今社会,工业技术快速发展,人们的生活水平显著提高,对于能源的消耗也增长了许多,石油、煤炭、天然气等这些传统能源将在数十年乃至数百年会被使用枯竭。为了解决这个问题,一些新兴的绿色环保能源引起了人们的重视,其中之一就是压电发电技术。压电发电比较简单,而且对于环境没有任何的污染,必然要受到研究人员的重视和人们的普遍欢迎。 针对一般压电发电时间短、发电能力较弱等缺点,本文提出了一种采用形状记忆合金驱动的发电机构。压电陶瓷具有施加力时产生电荷,施加电场时产生力,控制比较精确,响应速度也比较快,但其驱动力小,无法产生较大的变形;形状记忆合金具有驱动力比较大,响应频率较低的特点。通过对形状记忆合金及压电陶瓷材料性能特性的分析,结合它们二者的特点构建复合压电悬臂梁结构,利用有限元仿真软件ANSYS进行理论仿真和实际实验方法对形状记忆合金驱动的发电机构的性能进行研究,,找出温度环境下影响发电机构发电性能的因素,通过选取合适的材料及结构性能参数达到最佳的发电效果,最后通过设计能量采集电路对其能量进行收集。 采用形状记忆合金驱动压电悬臂梁进行发电,这在国内外属于首创。温度激励环境可以来自汽车的尾气、飞机及火箭发动机的喷管气流及其他射流等环境。此装置也可用于MEMS领域、生物医学领域实现能量的获取。
[Abstract]:In today's society, with the rapid development of industrial technology, people's living standards have improved significantly, and the consumption of energy has also increased a lot. Oil, coal, natural gas and other traditional energy sources will be used for decades or even hundreds of years will be exhausted. In order to solve this problem, some new green energy sources have attracted people's attention, one of which is piezoelectric power generation technology. Piezoelectric power generation is relatively simple, and no pollution to the environment, it must be paid attention to by researchers and people generally welcome. Aiming at the disadvantages of short time and weak generation capacity of piezoelectric generation, a power generation mechanism driven by shape memory alloy (SMA) is proposed in this paper. Piezoelectric ceramics can produce charge when force is applied and force when electric field is applied. The control is more accurate and the response speed is faster, but its driving force is small, and it can not produce large deformation, the shape memory alloy has relatively large driving force. The characteristic of low response frequency. Based on the analysis of the properties of shape memory alloy and piezoelectric ceramics, the composite piezoelectric cantilever structure was constructed by combining their characteristics. The performance of the power generation mechanism driven by shape memory alloy is studied by using the finite element simulation software ANSYS, and the factors that affect the power generation performance of the power generation mechanism under the temperature environment are found out. The optimal power generation effect is achieved by selecting the appropriate material and structure performance parameters. Finally, the energy collection is carried out by designing the energy acquisition circuit. The shape memory alloy is used to drive piezoelectric cantilever beam to generate electricity, which is the first at home and abroad. The temperature excitation environment can come from automobile exhaust, jet flow and other jet from aircraft and rocket engines. The device can also be used in the field of MEMS, biomedical field to achieve energy acquisition.


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