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发布时间:2018-04-29 10:08

  本文选题:夹点技术 + 热电厂 ; 参考:《兰州交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文利用夹点技术对热电厂换热网络进行了研究和计算。夹点技术避免了数学规划法在应用时模型进行假设,数学规划法假设的因素越多,偏离实际情况越大,结果与实际网络节能效果相差较大的缺点。 在夹点技术优化过程中介绍了换热网络优化规则。在夹点处需要遵循三个基本定律:夹点处不能有热量传递;夹点以上禁止设置冷却公用工程,夹点以下禁止设置加热公共工程。为了避免在夹点处发生能量传递在进行夹点技术改造时必须遵守热容流率准则及物流数目准则:即夹点以下的总冷流数目N C应小于或者等于总热流数目N H,冷物流的热熔流率PCpc应小于或者等于热物流的热熔流率PCph;同理夹点以上每股热物流被匹配夹点之上的热物流数N H应小于或等于冷物流数目N C,,热物流的热熔流率PCph小于或者等于冷物流的热熔流率PCpc。不符合之处需要进行分流处理。还要遵循最大换热负荷准则,即为保证最小换热单元数目,每次匹配需要换完两股物流中的一股。 通过介绍夹点技术设计必须遵守的基本原则和需要注意的问题,分析原有换热网络,得到换热网络的夹点,找到穿越夹点的换热设备及公用工程,并进行优化改造。通过对热电厂实例计算,最终减少了换热总面积及公用工程的费用。
[Abstract]:In this paper, the heat exchange network of thermal power plant is studied and calculated by pinch technique. The pinch technique avoids the assumption of the model when the mathematical programming method is applied. The more factors the mathematical programming method assumes, the greater the deviation from the actual situation, and the greater the difference between the result and the actual network energy saving effect. The optimization rules of heat transfer network are introduced in the process of pinch technology optimization. There are three basic laws to be obeyed at the pinch point: there can be no heat transfer at the pinch point, cooling public works is prohibited above the pinch point, and heating public works is prohibited below the pinch point. In order to avoid the energy transfer at the pinch point, the thermal volumetric flow rate criterion and the logistics number criterion must be followed when the pinch technical transformation is carried out: that is, the total cold flow number N C below the pinch point should be less than or equal to the total heat flux number N H, and the cold flow number should be less than or equal to the total heat flux number N H. The hot melt flow rate (PCpc) of logistics should be less than or equal to the hot melt flow rate of hot logistics; the heat logistics number N H should be less than or equal to the number of cold logistics flows N C, and the hot melt flow rate of heat logistics should be less than or equal to that of cold logistics. PCph is less than or equal to the hot melt rate PCPC of cold logistics. Do not conform to need to carry on shunt to deal with. The maximum heat transfer load criterion should be followed, that is to say, in order to ensure the minimum number of heat transfer units, one of the two logistics units should be replaced for each match. This paper introduces the basic principles and problems to be paid attention to in the design of pinch technology, analyzes the original heat exchange network, obtains the pinch point of the heat exchange network, finds the heat transfer equipment and public works passing through the pinch point, and carries on the optimization and transformation. Finally, the total area of heat transfer and the cost of public works are reduced by calculating the example of thermal power plant.


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