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发布时间:2018-04-30 04:36

  本文选题:太阳能电池 + 无铅导电银浆 ; 参考:《昆明理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:太阳能是一种可再生清洁能源。太阳能电池是利用太阳能的重要途径,而银浆料是制造太阳能电池的关键原材料,银浆料的品质对制备出的电池的性能起着关键性的作用,制备出优质的银浆料是制造高效低成本太阳能电池的关键。目前国内生产太阳能电池所用的银浆大部分都是依赖进口,且大部分太阳能电池使用的银浆为含铅银浆。因此,为了摆脱依赖进口浆料的命运和缓解环境污染问题,自主研制出各方面性能都满足太阳能电池使用要求的正面无铅银浆料,十分迫切且意义重大。 本文主要研究了太阳能电池正面无铅银浆组成原料的制备,制备出无铅银浆并对其进行了相关性能的研究,讨论了银浆的成分配比及烧结工艺对其性能的影响。 采用熔融法制备无铅玻璃粉,选用Bi2O3、SiO2、B2O3、Al2O3、TiO2、NaF、ZnO和Sn02氧化物作为玻璃粉的主要成分,并对制备出的玻璃粉进行转变温度和耐酸耐碱性测试,确定转变温度和化学稳定性较优的玻璃粉的成分配比。使用液相还原法制备银粉,讨论反应pH和AgNO3溶液的滴加速度对银粉粒径大小及其形貌的影响,结果显示pH值为7、AgNO3溶液的滴加速度为5ml/min左右时制备出的银粉性能较优;制备出性能良好的满足太阳能电池银浆使用要求的有机载体。 使用制备出的银粉、玻璃粉和有机载体配制太阳能电池正面导电银浆,讨论了玻璃粉含量、银粉的粒径和形貌、两种不同粒径和形貌的银粉混合加入、银粉中片银的含量对银膜性能的影响,还研究了银膜的烧结工艺对其性能的影响。试验结果表明:综合考虑银膜的方阻和附着力,当银浆成分为玻璃粉含量5%,银粉含量80%(2gm的片状银粉和2μm球形银粉按质量分数5:3混合)时,烧结工艺为烧结峰值温度760℃时保温7min的条件下,所得银膜性能较优。此时,银膜方阻为3.7mΩ/,银膜附着力为7.6N。
[Abstract]:Solar energy is a renewable and clean energy source. Solar cell is an important way to make use of solar energy, and silver paste is the key raw material to make solar cell. The quality of silver paste plays a key role in the performance of the prepared cell. Preparation of high quality silver paste is the key to manufacturing high efficiency and low cost solar cells. At present, most of the silver paste used in domestic solar cell production depends on imports, and most of the silver paste used in solar cells is leaded silver paste. Therefore, in order to get rid of the fate of relying on imported slurry and alleviate the problem of environmental pollution, we have developed a lead-free silver paste which can meet the requirements of solar cells in all aspects, which is very urgent and of great significance. In this paper, the preparation of lead-free silver paste on the front of solar cell was studied, and the properties of lead-free silver paste were studied. The effects of composition ratio of silver paste and sintering process on its properties were discussed. Lead-free glass powder was prepared by melting method. Bi2O3SiO2B2O3Al2O3Al2O3TiO2Nafu ZnO and Sn02 oxides were selected as the main components of glass powder. The transition temperature and acid resistance and alkali resistance of the prepared glass powder were measured. Determine the composition of glass powder with better transition temperature and chemical stability. Silver powder was prepared by liquid phase reduction method. The effects of reaction pH and droplet acceleration of AgNO3 solution on the size and morphology of silver powder were discussed. The results showed that the silver powder with pH value of 7% Agno _ 3 solution was better than that of 5ml/min solution. An organic carrier with good performance to meet the requirements of silver paste for solar cells was prepared. Silver powder, glass powder and organic carrier were used to prepare conductive silver paste on the front of solar cell. The content of glass powder, particle size and morphology of silver powder were discussed. Two kinds of silver powder with different particle size and morphology were mixed in. The effect of silver content in silver powder on the properties of silver film was also studied. The results show that considering the square resistance and adhesion of silver film, when the composition of silver paste is glass powder content 5, silver powder content 80%(2gm flake silver powder and 2 渭 m spherical silver powder are mixed at 5:3 by mass fraction. The best silver film properties were obtained when the sintering temperature was 760 鈩,




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