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发布时间:2018-04-30 08:27

  本文选题:无线能量传输 + 磁耦合谐振 ; 参考:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The medium-voltage distribution network is the main network of regional power supply because of its wide power supply, multiple distribution points and large capacity. The on-line monitoring of electrical equipment to ensure the safe and stable operation of power grid is of great significance to build a strong smart grid. However, the middle voltage electrical equipment primary side voltage level is high, bearing large current. The strong electromagnetic environment makes the monitoring of electrical equipment difficult. The specific problems include high voltage side monitoring equipment power supply, sensor data acquisition, data transmission between high and low voltage, electrical insulation and so on. In recent years, wireless energy transmission technology has attracted much attention, and has been widely studied in many fields. The magnetically coupled resonance mode can realize the middle distance electric power transmission, and there is no electrical connection between the transmitter and receiver. The radio energy transmission distance is used to ensure the enough electric distance between the high and low voltage side to realize the effective electric energy transmission from the low voltage side to the high voltage primary side and to supply the power for the sensor monitoring equipment. This paper summarizes the research status of on-line monitoring technology for medium voltage electrical equipment, introduces the working mode of wireless energy transmission technology, analyzes the working principle of magnetic coupling resonance, the influence factors of simulation and experimental power transmission. A suitable wireless energy transmission system is designed for electric power transmission between high and low voltage. Class E high frequency inverter is used as the excitation source of low voltage side to produce alternating magnetic field, and capacitance compensation and circuit resonance are used to improve the transmission distance and efficiency. High-frequency rectifier at the high-voltage side of the power receiver, stable voltage, output stable electrical energy. The detection method of the key parameters of the high voltage side is provided, the principle of sensing detection is expounded, the detection circuit is designed, and the high current and high voltage experimental environment is constructed to realize the real time monitoring based on the temperature, current, voltage and other parameters of the high voltage side. Wireless ANT has the advantage of low power consumption, so the data transmission between high and low voltage can be realized by selecting the corresponding working mode. The power balance and wireless communication of the whole monitoring system are tested. Finally, the paper summarizes the research content and puts forward the further research direction. In the on-line monitoring system of the paper, the energy and data between the high and low voltage side are transmitted in wireless form. There is no electrical connection, the insulation is reliable, the installation position is flexible, the sensor data collection is in the high voltage side, has the detection data sensitive and accurate, The advantages of reliable insulation provide new ideas and methods for on-line monitoring of medium voltage electrical equipment.


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