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发布时间:2018-04-30 20:34

  本文选题:无刷直流电动机 + 位置传感器 ; 参考:《太原理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:本论文来源于山西省自然科学基金项目“变频器供电时永磁同步电动机转矩脉动的减小及优化设计”。永磁无刷直流电机(Brushless DC Motor)是伴随着高性能永磁材料、电力电子技术、现代控制理论、数字信号处理技术的发展而出现的一种新型的机电一体化产品。它具有运行效率高、适应能力强、启动转矩大、调速平滑范围广、重量轻和体积小等优点,在航空航天、家用电器、办公自动化和交通运输得到了广泛的应用。 本文在以TI公司生产的TMS320LF2407A数字信号处理器为控制器的实验平台,以一台额定电压12V,额定功率120W、4相7对极的永磁无刷直流电机(BLDCM)为控制对象,设计了一套利用霍尔位置传感器检测电机转子的位置信号的永磁无刷直流电机控制系统。经过反复的实验证明控制系统控制效果良好,电机运行平稳,达到了预期的设计目标。 论文主要包括四部分内容: 1、硬件电路设计:以TI公司生产的DSP TMS320LF2407为控制核心器件,设计永磁无刷直流电动机控制系统的硬件电路,其中硬件电路主要由主回路和驱动控制电路组成。主回路主要由直流侧电容、滤波、平波电抗器、限流电路以及换向电路组成;控制回路主要由DSP控制电路、通讯电路、模拟量和数字量输入输出电路、位置信号检测电路、光耦隔离电路、驱动控制电路、电流采样电路以及保护电路组成。 2、软件程序设计:利用C语言和汇编语言编写控制程序;程序主要由转子位置信号捕获中断子程序、电流A/D转换子程序、电流和转速调节子程序、系统功率保护中断子程序组成。 3、实验调试:在CCS环境里面对程序进行调试,然后硬件和软件联合调试,通过反复的实验不断地完善电机的控制系统。 4、转矩脉动减小的研究:本文采用两种方式减小电机的转矩脉动;首先从电机本体出发,运用遗传算法,在Visual Basic6.0环境中,编写了适用于永磁无刷直流电机减小转矩脉动的优化设计程序;并对优化前后永磁无刷直流电机的数据进行对比。然后,选取最适宜本文的脉宽调制技术,通过改变占空比来比较转矩脉动。
[Abstract]:This paper comes from Shanxi Natural Science Foundation project, "torque ripple reduction and Optimization Design of permanent Magnet synchronous Motor (PMSM) with Inverter Power supply". Brushless DC Motor (BLDC) is a new kind of electromechanical integration product with the development of high performance permanent magnet materials, power electronics technology, modern control theory and digital signal processing technology. It has the advantages of high running efficiency, strong adaptability, large starting torque, wide speed regulation smooth range, light weight and small volume. It has been widely used in aerospace, home appliances, office automation and transportation. In this paper, the TMS320LF2407A digital signal processor produced by TI is used as the experimental platform, and a permanent magnet brushless DC motor with rated voltage 12 V and rated power 120 W / 4 phase 7 is used as the control object. A permanent magnet brushless DC motor control system using Hall position sensor to detect rotor position signal is designed. After repeated experiments, it is proved that the control system has a good control effect and the motor runs smoothly, and achieves the expected design goal. The thesis mainly includes four parts: 1. Hardware circuit design: the hardware circuit of permanent magnet brushless DC motor control system is designed based on DSP TMS320LF2407 produced by TI company. The hardware circuit is mainly composed of main circuit and drive control circuit. The main circuit is composed of DC side capacitance, filter, flat-wave reactor, current limiting circuit and commutation circuit. The control circuit is mainly composed of DSP control circuit, communication circuit, analog and digital input and output circuit, position signal detection circuit. Optocoupler isolation circuit, drive control circuit, current sampling circuit and protection circuit. 2. Software programming: C language and assembly language are used to write control program, the program is mainly captured interrupt subroutine by rotor position signal, current A / D conversion subroutine, current and speed adjusting subroutine, System power protection interrupt subroutine composition. 3. Experimental debugging: debugging the program in CCS environment, then debugging the hardware and software, and perfecting the control system of the motor through repeated experiments. 4. The research of torque ripple reduction: this paper adopts two ways to reduce the torque ripple of the motor. Firstly, starting from the motor body, using genetic algorithm, in Visual Basic6.0 environment, An optimization design program for reducing torque ripple of permanent magnet brushless DC motor is developed, and the data of permanent magnet brushless DC motor before and after optimization are compared. Then, the pulse width modulation technology, which is the most suitable for this paper, is chosen to compare torque ripple by changing duty cycle.


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