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发布时间:2018-05-01 08:34

  本文选题:太阳能 + 光伏发电 ; 参考:《甘肃农业大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:目前我国农业对大田生产和设施环境监测性能的要求越来越高,迫切需要研究开发新型监测与处理系统。由于传统检测装备其测量精度、自动化程度和可靠性均较低,本研究将LabVIEW虚拟仪器技术应用到大麦田间生长监控试验系统,对于提高硬件设备软件化和仪器系统的广适应性等具有重要的经济意义和推广应用前景。另外,光伏发电是太阳能最为有效和便捷的利用方式。然而提高太阳能转换效率是迫切需要解决的关键问题之一。本论文以大麦田间监测系统供电所需的独立光伏发电系统为研究对象,以高效利用太阳能为目标,进行了光伏发电系统转换效率最优控制理论和实验研究。本论文结合导师的国家自然科学基金项目,主要完成大麦生长监测的电源系统设计和监控系统试验研究。本文第一部分在系统分析了当今太阳能光伏发电的组成结构和应用现状的基础上,选择了适合本研究的太阳能电池板和蓄电池;分析了太阳能光伏发电输出特性和影响其效率的主要因素,建立了光伏发电仿真模型。其次,在比较分析了独立运行光伏发电系统的最大功率点跟踪原理和现有跟踪算法优缺点基础上,探讨了一种提高太阳电池输出功率的最大功率点跟踪新技术方法,采用模糊自寻优算法实时调整太阳电池的输出电压和电流,使其跟踪在最大功率点。通过与模糊控制跟踪的对比试验,结果表明采用模糊自寻优跟踪可使系统效率提高约6%。本文第二部分主要论述了研制的虚拟仪器监测系统平台,完成了虚拟仪器系统结构方案及软硬件设计。本虚拟仪器系统采用LabVIEW显示所接收的大麦田间图像信息,并将采集的图像信息保存在数据库,发送采集控制信息实现远程监控。本论文完成了TCP/IP传输协议的虚拟程序设计;使用NI的IMAQ、IMAQdx驱动进行图像采集,完成图像采集虚拟程序设计;通过IMAQ AVI Create、IMAQ AVI Write Frame、IMAQ AVI Close等子VI实现AVI视频的压缩保存;最后基本实现远程监控。
[Abstract]:At present, the performance of field production and facility environmental monitoring is becoming more and more important in our country, so it is urgent to study and develop a new monitoring and processing system. Because of the low precision, automation and reliability of the traditional testing equipment, the LabVIEW virtual instrument technology was applied to the barley field growth monitoring test system. It has important economic significance and application prospect for improving the software of hardware equipment and the wide adaptability of instrument system. In addition, photovoltaic power generation is the most effective and convenient way to use solar energy. However, improving the efficiency of solar energy conversion is one of the key problems that need to be solved urgently. In this paper, we take the independent photovoltaic power generation system for barley field monitoring system as the research object, aiming at the efficient use of solar energy, the optimal control theory and experiment of the conversion efficiency of photovoltaic power generation system are studied. Based on the project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, this paper mainly studies the design of power supply system and the experimental study of monitoring system for barley growth. In the first part of this paper, based on the systematic analysis of the structure and application status of solar photovoltaic power generation, the solar panels and batteries suitable for this study are selected. The output characteristics of solar photovoltaic power generation and the main factors affecting its efficiency are analyzed, and the simulation model of photovoltaic power generation is established. Secondly, on the basis of comparing and analyzing the principle of maximum power point tracking and the advantages and disadvantages of existing tracking algorithms, a new method of maximum power point tracking to improve the output power of solar cells is discussed. The output voltage and current of the solar cell are adjusted in real time by fuzzy self-optimization algorithm to track the solar cell at the maximum power point. By comparing with fuzzy control tracking, the results show that the system efficiency can be improved by about 6% by using fuzzy self-optimization tracking. In the second part of this paper, the platform of virtual instrument monitoring system is discussed, and the structure scheme and software and hardware design of virtual instrument system are completed. The virtual instrument system uses LabVIEW to display the received barley field image information, and stores the collected image information in the database, and sends the acquisition control information to realize remote monitoring. In this paper, the virtual program of TCP/IP transmission protocol is designed, the image acquisition is accomplished by using NI's IMAQDX driver, and the AVI video is compressed and saved by IMAQ AVI create IMAQ AVI Write frame IMAQ AVI Close, etc. Finally, the remote monitoring is basically realized.


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