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发布时间:2018-05-01 19:50

  本文选题:风力机叶片 + 气动噪声 ; 参考:《华北电力大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The influence of wind turbine aerodynamic noise on the environment is becoming more and more prominent, and people pay more attention to it. It is of great significance to study the aerodynamic noise of wind turbine blades to reduce the impact of wind turbine on the environment. With the improvement of calculation method and computer computing ability, numerical simulation has become the main method to study aerodynamic noise of wind turbine. In this paper, the CFD simulation of NACA0012 straight blade is carried out by using Fluent software. The flow field around the blade with different attack angles and thickness of the tail edge is simulated and the flow structure of the blade tail edge and wake flow field is analyzed. Based on the results of CFD calculation, the sound field distribution of blade aerodynamic noise is obtained by using FW-H method and FFT transform. The variation and attenuation law of aerodynamic noise at relevant monitoring points are analyzed. The following conclusions are obtained: (1) there is a large pressure pulsation in the tail edge and separation zone of the blade, so the tail edge region and the separation area are the main source of aerodynamic noise generated by the blade. 2) when the angle of attack is small, the sound pressure level at the monitoring point will appear obvious peak. The discrete characteristic of noise is obvious. When the attack angle is greater than 6 掳, the sound pressure level has no obvious peak value, and its characteristic is mainly the broadband characteristic of noise. As the angle of attack increases, the discrete noise will gradually disappear, and the spectrum of the noise mainly reflects the characteristics of wide-band noise. With the increase of the angle of attack, the low frequency noise will gradually decrease, and the high frequency noise will increase. 3) when the angle of attack is small, the frequency of the main frequency in the low frequency band is basically the same as the frequency of vortex shedding at the tail edge. This shows that the tail edge shedding vortex is the main factor that causes the peak of sound pressure level at low frequency. At a certain angle of attack, with the increase of tail edge thickness, the discrete noise increases in low frequency range, and the noise sound pressure level increases gradually in high frequency range. Therefore, the greater the thickness of the tail edge of the airfoil, the greater the aerodynamic noise of the wind turbine blade.


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