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发布时间:2018-05-03 20:30

  本文选题:隔爆一体式电机 + 电磁兼容 ; 参考:《沈阳工业大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:本文以教育部创新团队项目、辽宁省教育厅创新团队项目及抚顺煤矿电机制造有限责任公司项目为背景,以1140V/75kW隔爆一体式电机为研究对象,针对煤矿作业空间狭窄及变频调速系统与电机高度集成所带来的驱动系统电磁兼容性、体积及成本等问题,开展了隔爆一体式电机电磁兼容等问题研究。论文的主要研究内容包括以下几个方面: (1)隔爆一体式电机为调速系统与变频电机的集成系统,设计工作受到空间尺寸、电磁兼容性的制约。要使电力电子器件在有限的空间内安全、稳定运行,应着重考虑隔爆一体式电机的电磁兼容设计。本文首先研究一种改进的统一电压调制策略,取消零矢量的作用效果,减小隔爆一体式电机调速系统的共模电压,并且该调制算法无需判断扇区,易于实现,节约系统资源;同时,采用阻断IGBT与散热器之间的电磁耦合路径,减少调速系统的共模干扰;采用层叠母线技术代替传统母排的方法减小线路杂散电感,进而减少调速系统的电磁干扰;采用基于电力电子系统建模的方案,应用最大能量吸收法计算IGBT吸收电容值,对由IGBT开断过程中产生的尖峰电压进行抑制;提出一种4级电容拓扑结构,为高频谐波提供低阻抗回路,使其直接通过电容回到设备中,而不污染电网。 (2)针对变频调速系统产生的空间谐波及时间谐波不利于电网及变频电机稳定运行问题。本文在输入端采用进线电抗器,滤除电网谐波电流,减少调速系统对电网谐波的干扰,提出一种基于电力电子系统建模的进线电抗器上限值计算方案,该方案与传统计算方案比较,可明显缩小进线电抗器体积;同时,,考虑到隔爆一体式电机负载经常发生变化,导致谐波发生变化,本文研究一种在输出端采用变感式电抗器的谐波抑制技术,该方案可根据负载变化调节电抗器电感量,达到抑制谐波的目的。 (3)为进一步抑制由整流带来的谐波,减少部分电子元器件的电磁辐射干扰,进一步缩小隔爆一体式电机的体积,提高系统稳定性。本文运用虚拟磁链电压重构技术,估计电网侧交流电压,替代交流电压传感器,增强系统可靠性;另一方面,隔爆一体式电机的PWM整流控制系统PI参数的整定一方面浪费大量的时间,同时若PI参数调节不当,将给系统带来不可估量的安全隐患。为此,本文提出基于蚁群算法的PI参数整定方案,该方案可节约实验过程中由PI参数调整浪费的时间,避免由PI参数调整带来的安全隐患。 (4)变频调速感应电动机的设计较传统感应电动机的设计有很大不同。其设计方案不但需要考察电动机的效率、功率因数、最大转矩等性能参数在整个调速范围内的数值,还要兼顾到电动机的动态性能。本文从变频调速系统的角度出发,针对变频供电的谐波分析模型,综合考虑变频电机本身空间谐波及时间谐波的抑制技术进行电机优化设计,增强变频调速感应电动机的抗谐波能力。在此基础上,对隔爆一体式电机样机展开设计研究,研制1140V/75kW隔爆一体式电机一台,搭建了实验平台,验证采用本文所提出方案、设计的隔爆一体式电机的可行性。
[Abstract]:Based on the innovation team project of the Ministry of education, the innovation team project of the Liaoning provincial education department and the project of the Fushun Coal Mine Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the 1140V/75kW flameproof integrated motor is taken as the research object, and the electromagnetic compatibility of the driving system caused by the narrow coal mine operation space and the integration of the frequency conversion speed regulation system and the motor high degree is presented. Research on electromagnetic compatibility of flameproof integrated Motors has been carried out.
(1) the flameproof integrated motor is an integrated system of the speed control system and the frequency conversion motor. The design work is restricted by the space size and electromagnetic compatibility. To make the power electronic devices safe and stable in the limited space, the electromagnetic compatibility design of the flameproof integrated motor should be taken into consideration. The strategy is to eliminate the effect of zero vector, reduce the common mode voltage of the flameproof motor speed control system, and the modulation algorithm is easy to realize and save the system resources without judging the sector. At the same time, the electromagnetic coupling path between IGBT and the radiator is blocked, and the common mode interference of the speed regulation system is reduced. The traditional bus method reduces the stray inductance of the line and reduces the electromagnetic interference of the speed control system. Using the scheme based on the power electronic system modeling, the maximum energy absorption method is used to calculate the IGBT absorption capacitance value, and the peak voltage produced in the IGBT opening process is suppressed. A 4 stage capacitor topology is proposed, which is the high frequency harmonic. A low impedance loop is provided to return it directly through the capacitor to the device without polluting the power grid.
(2) the space harmonics and time harmonics produced by the variable frequency speed control system are not conducive to the stable operation of the power grid and the frequency conversion motor. In this paper, the input line reactor is used in the input terminal to filter the harmonic current of the power grid and reduce the interference of the speed control system to the harmonic of the power grid. A formula for the upper limit value of the line reactor based on the power electronic system modeling is proposed. Compared with the traditional calculation scheme, the scheme can obviously reduce the volume of the line reactor. At the same time, considering the change of the load of the flameproof motor, the harmonic suppression technique is used in the output terminal, which can adjust the inductance of the reactor according to the change of the load. The purpose of suppressing harmonics is to be achieved.
(3) in order to further restrain the harmonic caused by rectification, reduce the electromagnetic radiation interference of some electronic components, reduce the volume of the flameproof integrated motor and improve the stability of the system, this paper uses the virtual magnetic chain voltage reconfiguration technology to estimate the AC voltage on the grid side, instead of the AC voltage sensor and enhance the reliability of the system; on the other hand, The PI parameter tuning of the PWM rectifier control system of a flameproof integrated motor is a waste of a large amount of time. At the same time, if the PI parameters are not properly adjusted, the system will bring inestimable hidden danger to the system. Therefore, this paper proposes a PI parameter tuning scheme based on ant colony algorithm. This scheme can adjust the waste time from the PI parameter in the experiment process and avoid the waste time. Avoid security risks caused by PI parameters adjustment.
(4) the design of induction motor with variable frequency speed regulation is very different from that of traditional induction motor. The design scheme not only needs to inspect the efficiency of motor, power factor, maximum torque and other performance parameters in the whole speed range, but also take into account the dynamic performance of the motor. This paper starts with the angle of frequency conversion speed regulation system. In view of the harmonic analysis model of variable frequency power supply, the design of the motor is designed in consideration of the suppression technology of the space harmonics and time harmonics of the frequency conversion motor, and the anti harmonic ability of the induction motor is enhanced. On this basis, the design of the flameproof motor prototype is developed and the 1140V/75kW flameproof integrated motor is developed. An experimental platform was built to verify the feasibility of the design of the flameproof integrated motor.



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