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发布时间:2018-05-04 10:04

  本文选题:县级电网调度 + 拓扑分析 ; 参考:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous expansion of the scale of the distribution network in Lianjiang, the continuous change in the structure and operation mode of the power grid, the increasing number of operation tasks of the distribution network, the increasing demand for the working ability of the control personnel. The "misoperation and misscheduling" caused by negligence of work has become one of the main causes of the power grid accident. It is difficult to prevent the occurrence of misscheduling accidents. How to improve the efficiency and the level of safety scheduling has become an important task for the current distribution network scheduling. Firstly, this paper, based on the new situation of the current county power grid dispatching work, analyzes the needs of the project, and puts forward the general idea of establishing the control system of the distribution network adjustment operation. The research results have established the functions and performance of the system, designed the software and hardware structure of the system and each function module in detail, realized the goal of sharing real-time data with the SCADA system and integrated with the distribution management information system, set the normal operation mode of the distribution network, the graphics ticket opening, the simulation operation prevention and control, the simulation training and the operation ticket. There are many practical functions such as process audit and management. The system is designed and realized by the user to maintain an anti error management system for the dispatching operation of the county power grid. It realizes the automation and intelligence of the production process management of the distribution network, and improves the intelligence and security of the dispatching operation of the distribution network. The network model of the actual distribution system is set up by the technology of other technologies, and the graphics open ticket technology is used to carry out intelligent writing, automatic simulation, topology coloring, automatic security checking and all process management. The system is a software system for intelligent writing and anti error checking of scheduling instructions on the basis of actual distribution network model. The system is passed through the system. At the same time, the operation instruction is generated by clicking on the operation equipment in a wiring diagram. At the same time, the scheduling regulation and the regulation of the switching operation are used as the basis of the error proof check. The reasonableness of the operation instructions of each step is judged by the current operation mode of the power grid. The warning or prompting of the misoperation is carried out to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the operation instruction ticket. The system meets the shortcomings of the current distribution network scheduling technology support system. This system has reached the application function specification of the dispatching intelligent operation ticket system in the national Power Grid Corp standard. The research results are also put into development and application as the science and technology project of Lianjiang company. In the field implementation process, the system function is constantly modified and perfected to meet the distribution network. The practice has proved that the system is one of the powerful auxiliary tools of distribution network dispatching work, which plays an important role in reducing the intensity of dispatchers, preventing misdispatching accidents and improving the safety management level of the power grid.



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