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发布时间:2018-05-05 00:38

  本文选题:开关变压器并用 + 电机 ; 参考:《西华大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the direct starting process, the starting current is several times of the rated current, which can be as many as 7 times, and the starting torque will increase by more than twice. However, in modern industry, the application of large motor is more and more extensive, especially the application of high-voltage and high-power motor. The voltage can be as high as 10kV, so the high current and strong torque produced when starting directly will endanger the safety of the equipment. Therefore, the soft starting method should be considered when the motor starts. The popular soft starting methods are frequency conversion soft start and thyristor valve group. The new switch transformer motor soft start can effectively restrain the starting current and start torque and improve the starting performance. At the same time, the instability of switching devices in series is avoided. Based on the soft starting problem of the motor, this paper makes a deep research on the technology of switching transformer. First of all, the working principle of switching transformer technology is expounded, and various characteristics in the working process are analyzed in detail, among which the mechanism of inrush current and its influence on motor starting are the key points of the analysis. At the same time, the calculation principle of transformer capacity is given. Secondly, the principle of soft start of high voltage motor based on switch transformer is studied, and the mathematical model of soft start system based on switch transformer is established by using the technology of switch transformer. The feasibility of using switch transformer is verified by simulation analysis. Aiming at the problems of the phase-controlled AC voltage regulation, the switch transformer and the module are designed. This kind of soft starting device of high voltage motor is a kind of high power AC voltage regulator composed of several transformers and thyristors, which is mainly used in the field of soft starting of high power high voltage motors. By using switch transformer module and technology, the soft start of any motor with large capacity can be carried out, which makes the device a kind of soft starting equipment with excellent performance and high reliability. In this study, the soft-start problem of high-power motor based on switch transformer and technology is systematically explored, and an industrial prototype is designed based on the research results. Related experiments are designed and implemented. The experimental results show that the starting capacity of the switch transformer can be improved effectively by using the technology, which can be used in the starting process of the high-power motor. All kinds of shocks that threaten the security of the system are effectively suppressed. The stability and reliability of the system are improved. Finally, a simulation software is developed by using MATLAB software. The software performs well in the simulation calculation of motor soft start technology based on switch transformer. The software realizes the estimation of some electrical parameters of motor in soft start. For example: starting time, starting current, voltage fluctuation and calorific value.


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