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发布时间:2018-05-05 06:30

  本文选题:全球价值链 + 治理模式 ; 参考:《广东外语外贸大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着生产技术的不断革新,以及现代信息技术和物流技术的飞跃发展,各种产品的设计、生产、销售等环节的可分性越来越强,各个环节不再局限于同一企业内部,而且可以按照比较优势分布到世界各地。在经济全球化的大背景下,国际上一些处于主导地位的制造业企业越来越专注于研发、营销等附加值较高的环节,而把附加值较低的生产环节转移到劳动力成本较低的国家和地区,或者在全球范围内寻找具备成本优势的专业化生产制造商。这些主导企业在全球范围内整合资源,将各个环节的供应商纳入它们所控制的全球价值链。 中国家电以代工嵌入全球价值链中,中国家电产业的国际化道路分为五个阶段:兴起阶段、国有家电品牌形成阶段、激烈竞争阶段、品牌整合重组阶段、依靠政策阶段。我国家电企业的出口目标市场分为了高端市场、发展中市场和新兴市场,其所对应的全球价值链治理模式依次是领导型、模块型和市场型。功能升级就是通过重新整合价值链而掌握高附加值环节的一种升级方式。要实现我国家电企业的功能升级,,企业必须具备很强的技术能力或者市场能力,因此可以归纳出两条不同的升级路径:一条是基于市场能力从品牌和渠道进行突破的后向升级路径,另一条是基于技术能力从设计和研发进行突破的前向升级路径。
[Abstract]:With the continuous innovation of production technology and the rapid development of modern information technology and logistics technology, the design, production and sale of various products are becoming more and more divisible, and each link is no longer confined to the same enterprise. And can be distributed around the world according to comparative advantage. Under the background of economic globalization, some leading manufacturing enterprises in the world are increasingly focusing on research and development, marketing and other higher value-added links. And shift the production link with lower added value to the countries and regions with lower labor cost, or look for specialized manufacturers with cost advantage in the world. These leading firms integrate resources globally, bringing suppliers from all sectors into the global value chain they control. Chinese household appliances are embedded in the global value chain by contract industry. The internationalization road of Chinese appliance industry is divided into five stages: rising stage, forming stage of state-owned home appliance brand, fierce competition stage, brand integration and reorganization stage, relying on policy stage. The export target market of Chinese household appliance enterprises is divided into high-end market, developing market and emerging market. The corresponding global value chain governance models are leadership, module and market. Functional upgrading is a way of upgrading by reintegrating the value chain to master high-value-added links. In order to realize the functional upgrading of Chinese household appliances enterprises, enterprises must have strong technical or market capabilities. Therefore, two different upgrading paths can be concluded: one is the backward upgrade path based on the market ability breakthrough from the brand and the channel, the other is the forward upgrade path based on the technical ability breakthrough from the design and development.


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