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发布时间:2018-05-06 03:25

  本文选题:激光电源 + 串联谐振 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The research of pulsed capacitance charging technology applied to laser power supply has been carried out for many years and has achieved good development in all aspects. Firstly, the development of laser power supply system is introduced, and then the whole pulse capacitance charging technology is compared and analyzed. From the theory level, the advantages of series resonant constant current charging technology are superior. This paper makes a detailed description of the point. This paper is based on the research project of the project group, and analyzes and designs the main circuit of the charging capacitor of the laser power supply. Therefore, in the design, we should consider various problems that may occur in the engineering practice, strictly follow the design requirements, and rationally design the main circuit of the power grid charger. Through the analysis of the function of each part in the main circuit, the circuit structure is determined, the basic parameters of the components are calculated and the specific selection task is completed. In order to verify the results of the theoretical analysis, the Simulink module in MATLAB software is used to simulate the design of the main circuit, and the simulation of the voltage and current of the electric current under various circumstances is obtained. By analyzing the working principle of the power grid charger, we can understand the basic control function that the control system must complete. This article will start from the basic control level, gradually refine the analysis, get all the basic components that the control system must have, and determine the control from the function. The basic structure of the system is that DSP28335 is used as the core of the control system, the peripheral circuit modules are designed reasonably, the circuit structure of each part of the control system is explained from the chip level, and the basic working principle is briefly described. Then the schematic diagram and the PCB drawing of the display board and control board are carried out. On this basis, the control of the whole system is carried out. The idea, control strategy and software implementation are introduced and explained, and the experiment is carried out, the experimental waveform is analyzed, the corresponding conclusion is obtained, the principle verification is carried out, and the direction for the next phase of the design modification is pointed out.



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