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发布时间:2018-05-06 13:26

  本文选题:光伏电站 + 系统设计 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Solar energy is a kind of clean energy, low carbon, environmental protection, no pollution, compared with the traditional fossil energy, the advantages of solar energy is very obvious, it is a kind of sustainable development energy, in the energy shortage today, solar energy development and utilization, Governments are paying more and more attention to it. Since entering the 21st century, with the support and encouragement of the Chinese government, the development of photovoltaic power stations in China has been very rapid. It has become a consensus of the industry to build unattended photovoltaic power stations and remote centralized monitoring photovoltaic power stations. The establishment of intelligent monitoring system has become the best choice for the operation, management and production of photovoltaic power plants. The management of photovoltaic power station has its own characteristics of industry. The photovoltaic power station with intelligent monitoring system should be integrated with the characteristics of its own industry in order to make the system more flexible, simple, mobile and benefit maximized. In this paper, the intelligent monitoring system of Foxconn photovoltaic power station is taken as the research object, and the intelligent monitoring system of the volt power station in Huyue 76KW photovoltaic power station, Wuhan 8.5MW photovoltaic power station, Nanning 2.5MW photovoltaic power station. Based on the design and implementation of Kunshan National data Center and National Monitoring Center, the intelligent monitoring system of photovoltaic power station is studied, and the problems encountered in the practical application of intelligent monitoring system of photovoltaic power station are analyzed. The solution of unattended intelligent monitoring and management platform for Foxconn photovoltaic power station is put forward, and then the integrated intelligent monitoring system scheme of photovoltaic power station can be popularized and used in the operation and management of Foxconn photovoltaic power station. Finally, according to the conclusion of the research, the paper points out the deficiency of the research, and puts forward the prospect of the future development of the intelligent monitoring system of photovoltaic power station. The research in this paper can be used as a reference for enterprises to implement the intelligent monitoring system of photovoltaic power plants and to establish an efficient operation management model.


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